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  1. #1

    Default How can i run fast?

    Hi guys. I'm coming back to the game after a long absence. My current plan is 2 levels of monk, followed by ranger. Is there any way for me to run really fast? I think i read somewhere that 1 level of barbarian gives you a run speed boost that, when coupled with 30% boots, lets you run at haste speed? Are there any other ways for me to run like the wind?


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    You will be unable to get monk and barb levels on one character. Ranger levels also enable a run speed boost, but it's not as strong.

  3. #3
    Community Member baylensman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Haste pots will give you a boost. on the house P peneant of time allows you to run quickly outside of quests

    Sarlona Guild of the Black Dragon
    Egrofraw, Eighttrack, Fearstryker, Foecleaver, Ferricgnome, Rustoleum, SoPretty

  4. #4
    Community Member Cuth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Out of Curiosity -- why 2 monk?

    Rangers already get evasion ... unless you just wanted the extra feat, but then fighter would probably be better as the free fighter feat has more options then the free monk feat.

    On topic:

    Humans get a dragonmark that gives them Expeditious Retreat which helps with run speeds at the lower levels and then can be swapped at higher levels for a more useful feat.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Cuth View Post
    Out of Curiosity -- why 2 monk?

    Rangers already get evasion ... unless you just wanted the extra feat, but then fighter would probably be better as the free fighter feat has more options then the free monk feat.
    Well, when reading another thread about small splashes of classes:

    1 = AC bonus +1 feat
    2 = evasion + AC bonus (wis based) + 2 feats

    So i took that to mean that at level 1 you get an ac bonus, and at level 2 you get the wisdom bonus to your ac. Also, evasion doesn't come until ranger 9. Is the wis based AC bonus for monks all in level 1?

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    for pure runspeed no class beats my build... look for mage-acrobat. without striding boots, able to sprint for 145% faster than normal

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