Since I returned to the luverly, if slightly murky, shores of Xen'drik with the launch of Unlimited, I've been experimenting with two weapons builds, both for myself, and a group of friends who have finally been persuaded to give DDO a try (loving it, and they will be staying).
When looking through ways to pimp my TWF DPS bard and my friend's TWF fighter, I came across the Power Critical Feat. At first look, it sounds like a great feat. However, I've learned not to take D&D feats at face value, since they often either diverge completely from my own interpretation, or work in very mysterious ways.
So, how does Power Critical work? Does it effectively add another 4 to the threat range, or does it affect the roll in some other way? For a character who seeks to crit a lot with her or his weapons, is it a given/good/acceptable/awful choice?