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  1. #1
    Community Member Ayjona's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default The Power Critical Feat in combat

    Since I returned to the luverly, if slightly murky, shores of Xen'drik with the launch of Unlimited, I've been experimenting with two weapons builds, both for myself, and a group of friends who have finally been persuaded to give DDO a try (loving it, and they will be staying).

    When looking through ways to pimp my TWF DPS bard and my friend's TWF fighter, I came across the Power Critical Feat. At first look, it sounds like a great feat. However, I've learned not to take D&D feats at face value, since they often either diverge completely from my own interpretation, or work in very mysterious ways.

    So, how does Power Critical work? Does it effectively add another 4 to the threat range, or does it affect the roll in some other way? For a character who seeks to crit a lot with her or his weapons, is it a given/good/acceptable/awful choice?
    'I am Ayjona the Bard. I've come to empty yer pockets and fill yer ears." Ayjona of Thelanis, a modified Taalisyn Build.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Power critical works by sucking. It hoovers a feat from your character and gives you nothing back.

    All it does is if you roll high enough to threaten a critical hit (roll 18, 19, or 20 on a rapier for example), then you get +4 to the roll to confirm your crit. At lvl 1-6 that might be nice, but at end game its utter garbage, especially if you use seeker items anyway.
    Star Firefall
    20 Rogue Assasin
    Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    In DnD in order to land a crit you first have to make a hit, if the roll that you hit with is in the crit range of you weapon then you are elagable for a crit. You then have to make another roll to see if you get the crit, basicly you need to hit them agian.

    So lets take a rapier with the improved critical feat. This means you have a chance to crit when you roll a 15 or higher.

    Random creature has 30 AC and you have a + 20 to hit

    Round 1 - you roll 11 you hit for X damage

    Round 2 - you roll 15 (possible crit) , You roll 8 to confirm the crit 8 + 20 is not enough to hit there for your confirm fails and you only hit for normal damage

    Round 3 - you roll 15 (possible crit) , You roll 8 to confirm the crit (but you have power critical) 8 + 4 + 20 is enough to hit the target and you get a critical hit

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