Subject says it all.
What do you have for trade?
ill give you a gird for 1 L scale if u need 1. send me a tell in-game
Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)
What he said!
Hey all,
Yeah I'm aware of the GH clickies that drop in the new quests, but, yeah this if for a midbee toon. And I do agree is a fair price, but I don't have a large to spare ... yet. So thx all for the offers, but I guess I'm gonna wait till I can afford it. For some people those girds drop like a $3 hoe, for me zilch in about 100 runs in about two years (pretty much like a stinking Bloodstone) =[