Is this a longstanding bug? People in the advice channel don't seem to know much about it. I've remapped most things related to hotbars, as I do in every game. However, DDO doesn't seem to appreciate my mucking about and prefers its own defaults apparently. This is really annoying. I've even gone so far as to directly edit My Documents/DDO.keymap and it STILL responds to default keybinds. What gives? Is this being fixed?
It's especially annoying because CTRL-S is a default keybind for the store (bad choice!!!); even though I've changed it to Y and CTRL-Y in the options, CTRL-S still brings up the store. CTRL is my vent push-to-talk key, so everytime I'm walking backwards and need to speak, the **** store pops up. Holy **** frustration! I don't think it's a windows file permission thing because the ddo.keymap file shows my new bindings, and I have UAC turned off.
I'm loving this game more and more (just went VIP after a week of playing free-to-play), but this keybind issue and the new broken right mouse targeting thing is really trying my patience.
Is there a workaround for the client ignoring my keybinds?