sissy elves make the world go 'round!
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
Don't blame the dwarves, friend! They are to be pitied from teh cruelty of that wicked wench.
Disney greatly distorted the original story here:
I doubt you could resist this princess' demands either!![]()
Last edited by Mojofizznut; 11-16-2009 at 04:30 PM.
according to tordek dwarves indeed rule...
No but my Dwarf fighter does. Wait .... I guess that means they do.![]()
Server: Argonnessen
Guild: Noble By Design
Characters: Vorlok (Human Bard/Fighter), Trollokk (Paladin/Monk)
Yes they do.
As the (french) song says :
We are the dwarves under the mountain
We dig all day long
We drink all night long
and we don't like surface dwellers !
oh i likes me little ole dwarf. he is a nasty , crude , and rude little dude and thats one less stat i half to worry about !! lets get this fight oon and get the job done.
dwafs!! what is your profession!!
hă `oo , hă `oo , hă `oo !!
you see my friend , i have brought more wariors than you.
At this point in the game, not as much as other races IMO.
1) Warforged
2) Human
3) Halfling
4) Dwarf
5) Drow
6) Elf
Mind you there are exceptions based on class and build objectives, but for the most part those are the major power gaming races in order.