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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Exclamation 'Primary' hotbar switching bug...anyone else experiencing this?

    This is my first post admittedly, I'm new to the game and I suppose it's possible this is somehow occurring due to some accidental random key-combination I'm hitting, but periodically for whatever reason unknown to me, the hotbar that responds to the base number keys (1,2,3 etc.) switches on me.

    To explain in a bit more detail...basically for the characters I've created, I go ahead upon character creation and open 2 more and have 3 to start with, figure I'd expand beyond that if/when I needed to and that would give me plenty of room to grow for awhile and go ahead and get used to having the UI moved around/configured like I prefer. Anyway, naturally I put attack skills/spells in the top bar and use the number row at the top of the keyboard for the things I use most frequently, just like in any other MMO of this nature. But randomly/periodically, the hotbar that responds to the number row will suddenly switch up on me where the number keys are trying to invoke the corresponding box on one of the other hotbars instead.

    So again, my question this indeed an odd bug that others are experiencing, or am I just accidently typing/clicking something that's causing this somehow? Thanks in advance for anyone who can provide any insight here. It's incredibly, incredibly annoying....especially when it happens in the middle of a quest dungeon.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    yes it happens to me all the time and I hit the hot key for what I think is primary bar and something else happens bugs the hell out of me.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyndaleon View Post
    This is my first post admittedly, I'm new to the game and I suppose it's possible this is somehow occurring due to some accidental random key-combination I'm hitting, but periodically for whatever reason unknown to me, the hotbar that responds to the base number keys (1,2,3 etc.) switches on me.

    To explain in a bit more detail...basically for the characters I've created, I go ahead upon character creation and open 2 more and have 3 to start with, figure I'd expand beyond that if/when I needed to and that would give me plenty of room to grow for awhile and go ahead and get used to having the UI moved around/configured like I prefer. Anyway, naturally I put attack skills/spells in the top bar and use the number row at the top of the keyboard for the things I use most frequently, just like in any other MMO of this nature. But randomly/periodically, the hotbar that responds to the number row will suddenly switch up on me where the number keys are trying to invoke the corresponding box on one of the other hotbars instead.

    So again, my question this indeed an odd bug that others are experiencing, or am I just accidently typing/clicking something that's causing this somehow? Thanks in advance for anyone who can provide any insight here. It's incredibly, incredibly annoying....especially when it happens in the middle of a quest dungeon.

    Way around:

    Log into the game - create ten hotbars (for future use, so you don't have to do this again).

    Log out. Log back in. Put all your abilities on the highlighted hotbar. You'll now be sweet.

    Hope that helps.
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  4. #4
    Founder Gorby's Avatar
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    Theres a modifier key which will allow you to swap the active bar. I'm unsure what the default is, but I use CTRL.

    CTRL-1 = Hotbar 1 is now active
    CTRL-2 = Hotbar 2 is now active


    I'm at work and cannot check the actual name of the key in the bindings, but it should be self-explanatory once you see it.

  5. #5
    Community Member slaymen's Avatar
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    I have this happen to me a lot and each time its my own fault. "Ctrl" is the defualt button to swap between hotbars so if at any time I hit ctrl 2 it will swap my highlighted hotbar. That one occurs less often then me holding down control and hit my mouse wheel. Which then starts cycling through my hotbars. I don't notice very offten when I do that one.
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  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Hitting "+" or "-" (note that "-" is right next to the "0" which i don't know about you, but I use a ton on my hotbar) changes the last used hotbar, and selects it. Press Ctrl- plus the hotbar number to restore it.
    Whichever one is activated will have a white highlight around it.

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