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  1. #1
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    Default Addons? Where are they?

    I recently canceled my WoW account in favor of this game, however, one of the things I'll miss are the various addons that were available to WoW. Are there any addons available for this game? If so, where do I find them?

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    No addons avail for this game and not really needed but welcome to DDO I hope you enjoy your stay here.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Ladius's Avatar
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    Welcome! Not to try and give you any negative impressions of the game but in all honesty just so you can prepare yourself, unless something changes from what it has been the past year you shouldn't expect to see much in the way of new content. At least not for quite some time. I for one hope that things change and the above becomes untrue but that's the way things are atm.


  4. #4
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astor1977 View Post
    I recently canceled my WoW account in favor of this game, however, one of the things I'll miss are the various addons that were available to WoW. Are there any addons available for this game? If so, where do I find them?
    DDO provides its addons free via module updates. We just had module 9 added to the game which basically opened up a brand new area of Xen'drik for us to quest in. This is similar to what WoW does but charges you an extra fee for.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  5. #5
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladius View Post
    Welcome! Not to try and give you any negative impressions of the game but in all honesty just so you can prepare yourself, unless something changes from what it has been the past year you shouldn't expect to see much in the way of new content. At least not for quite some time. I for one hope that things change and the above becomes untrue but that's the way things are atm.

    /not signed

    This is not really an accurate representation of what is actually happening. Yes module 9 took a long time in coming but Turbine realized in order to compete and grow the game it had to re-think its approach and basically redesigned the entire game which is why it took so long to provide module 9 which was actually about 10 months after module 8 was added. If you compare this in contrast to WoW which has been around much longer than DDO they have added what 3 or 4 expansion packs compared to the 9 DDO has in 3 years. For me this is attention to the game by producers and developers.

    I am hearing that module 10 is expected out by year end or very early next year. That would mean that everything that this disgruntled player said to be untrue.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  6. #6
    Community Member Ladius's Avatar
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    I love the excuses people throw out on a regular basis for why we don't have regularly released new content. You are more than welcome to see it your way obviously, but IMHO recycling old mobs and giving us meager quest expansions should be seen pretty plainly for what it is.....a cold, hard shaft.

  7. #7
    Hero OpallNotten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladius View Post
    I love the excuses people throw out on a regular basis for why we don't have regularly released new content. You are more than welcome to see it your way obviously, but IMHO recycling old mobs and giving us meager quest expansions should be seen pretty plainly for what it is.....a cold, hard shaft.

    Tell us how you really feel about it

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    DDO provides its addons free via module updates. We just had module 9 added to the game which basically opened up a brand new area of Xen'drik for us to quest in. This is similar to what WoW does but charges you an extra fee for.
    He's not talking about more content wow has little programs that keep track of things for you and does other stuff most are 3rd party.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladius View Post
    I love the excuses people throw out on a regular basis for why we don't have regularly released new content. You are more than welcome to see it your way obviously, but IMHO recycling old mobs and giving us meager quest expansions should be seen pretty plainly for what it is.....a cold, hard shaft.
    You are of course entitled to your opinion, welcome to the free world. However what you consider a cold hard shaft is your opinion and not mine. I have played other MMO's (many of them) and they do not compare with DDO gameplay and updates in my opinion. The game is in a great state right now and I only see it getting better. Kudos to all of the staff working on DDO.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladius View Post
    I love the excuses people throw out on a regular basis for why we don't have regularly released new content. You are more than welcome to see it your way obviously, but IMHO recycling old mobs and giving us meager quest expansions should be seen pretty plainly for what it is.....a cold, hard shaft.
    If its so horrible go play something that does it right in your eyes.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  11. #11
    Founder Chaos000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    DDO provides its addons free via module updates. We just had module 9 added to the game which basically opened up a brand new area of Xen'drik for us to quest in. This is similar to what WoW does but charges you an extra fee for.
    pretty sure that's not what he ment.

    to the OP: Yeah unfortunately there is currently no ability to customize your interface beyond what the tools given in the game.

    Hopefully in the future, turbine will see the value of external programs used to calculate combat statistics, map out quest objectives + collectables/chests + explorer zones/rare encounters, auto scan the auctionhouse for best deals on specific items... but currently we have to wait and hope that the devs will get around to developing those additional tools for us in-game when they get around to it. (provided they see the need for it)

    "drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*

  12. #12
    Community Member Ladius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    .....and they do not compare with DDO gameplay
    This is the reason I have been here for so long but with the new changes I'm not so sure that will carry it anymore.

  13. #13
    Community Member kkobold's Avatar
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    easy and simple.

    there is no addon engine for ddo. therefor no addons are available.

    at first you will find yourself wondering how much dps you are doing and well.. all those performance questions you do while playing wow...

    after sometime you get used to not knowing and you live with it :P

    bottom line the game has a great shortcut bar system... and if they improved the chat.. id totally forget that iv once wanted addons.

    rawr \o/
    Cannith: Laurania Wildfire, Blu Trapspringer.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos000 View Post
    pretty sure that's not what he ment.

    to the OP: Yeah unfortunately there is currently no ability to customize your interface beyond what the tools given in the game.

    Hopefully in the future, turbine will see the value of external programs used to calculate combat statistics, map out quest objectives + collectables/chests + explorer zones/rare encounters, auto scan the auctionhouse for best deals on specific items... but currently we have to wait and hope that the devs will get around to developing those additional tools for us in-game when they get around to it. (provided they see the need for it)
    I hope not they are total a waste of dev time.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  15. #15
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos000 View Post
    pretty sure that's not what he ment.

    to the OP: Yeah unfortunately there is currently no ability to customize your interface beyond what the tools given in the game.

    Hopefully in the future, turbine will see the value of external programs used to calculate combat statistics, map out quest objectives + collectables/chests + explorer zones/rare encounters, auto scan the auctionhouse for best deals on specific items... but currently we have to wait and hope that the devs will get around to developing those additional tools for us in-game when they get around to it. (provided they see the need for it)
    Now that I re-read the Ops post, Uska's and yours I misunderstood what he was saying. However thanks for pointing that out in a nice way.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  16. #16
    Community Member Cleitanious's Avatar
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    We're talking about the User Interface Content and AddOns, not game content and AddOns, just look at the forum section this is in.

    There aren't any UI AddOns for DDO (Like LOTRO) there are a few skins available but they're all outdated anyway. Turbine keeps saying they're going to rewrite the UI to be more efficient and moddable but it just hasn't happened yet.
    Last edited by Tarrant; 09-21-2009 at 11:56 AM.
    Slugitt "Fix all the bugs before you add more, we are not an ant colony, we will not win with more bugs!"

  17. #17
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    Yes, i'm talking about addons such as BankItems, and Auctioneer. As far as content modules go, I've only just started this game, so adding more content for later levels is irrelevant to me I think.

  18. #18
    Founder Chaos000's Avatar
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    Yeah the nice thing about auctioneer is that it tracks the price of items and when you go to get your end reward it saves time by telling you exactly how much it will go on the AH and/or sell to a trash vendor. In DDO's case it'll also include how much it would otherwise sell to the weapon or item vendor.

    "drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*

  19. #19
    Community Member Sohryu's Avatar
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    Anyway, getting this thread back on track, no there's no add-ons like they have for WoW. Within my first couple week trying WoW out I was being told to "download this add-on for your map, it'll tell you exactly where to go!" and I was like "Where's the fun in that? I want to explore! I get too lost I can just hearth back to my bind point "

    I think the closest we have is custom UI skins, which there is a sticky post on this section by +Quarion to help you out with. I know a lot of people like the ddolite skin, I would use it myself but it was causing crashing issues when my dinosaur of a computer would try to load it up

    As far as the bank and AH, they are included in the game. You can unlock more bank slots by earning favor with House Kundarak, and if you are a subscriber you get a shared bank tab for free (free players have to pay for it). The AH is nice for finding rare items, but they can be a bit...overpriced, which I think is a pretty common problem in most MMOs with that feature. I only wish we had search functions on our AH.

    And yes, we do get free content upgrades which is nice, you don't have to pay for expansions like you do in other games.

    Quote Originally Posted by aramtruen View Post
    A round of applause for Sohryu, please.

  20. #20
    Community Member Kalundan's Avatar
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    I for one would like to have some addons much like many major MMO titles. However I would settle for a search field in the AH. Not sure how many years of asking it will take to get this feature.

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