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  1. #21
    Community Member Raysiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sohryu View Post
    Within my first couple week trying WoW out I was being told to "download this add-on for your map, it'll tell you exactly where to go!" and I was like "Where's the fun in that? I want to explore! I get too lost I can just hearth back to my bind point "
    Agreed. But hey we're here in DDO right now and the flavour's completely different!
    NEway I guess he was referring to other kind of mod...
    Just a couple of examples: back to when I played WOW, I can remember how cmfy it was to use an addon that would have opened an alternative inventory window. instead of 1 to 6 bags i was watching at a single field with all my wares. Or just think at the various examples of bars with loads of plugins: clock (obviously) with an alarm clock (less obvious), money you own, arrows/darts/anything-you-want left and so on, right there for you to see.

    Just imagine...

    As far as the bank and AH, they are included in the game. You can unlock more bank slots by earning favor with House Kundarak, and if you are a subscriber you get a shared bank tab for free (free players have to pay for it). The AH is nice for finding rare items, but they can be a bit...overpriced, which I think is a pretty common problem in most MMOs with that feature. I only wish we had search functions on our AH.
    Have an issue with AH. If your "search" produces multiple pages of results and you click a column such as buyout to order the result... well it would be really nice if the ordering would apply to the whole amount of results not just page by page...

    Sorry 4 the bad english

  2. #22
    Community Member Chronbodi's Avatar
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    Though I'm a fairly serious addon junkie I find the game is eminently playable without em. With 2 small exceptions The first being, as most people would tell you, the lack of a search feature for the AH. More importantly for me however is the chat issue. I love this game, I really do, you guys even put in a decent in game voice chat. Usable in game voice is like the unicorn of mmo features. The chat system though.... Worst I've ever come across in 6 years of online gaming. Horrible chat. Other than that, this is definitely the game that has less need for addons than any other.
    Omnia dicta fortiora, si dicta latina

  3. #23
    Community Member bohica2010's Avatar
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    I don't know, would love a scalable UI, or atleast a minimap, Xperl DDO would be nice as well as something like PRAT for the chat.

    I will tell you though some other nice addons that would be useful for this game, AutoBar and Bartender , Maybe something like titan bars or fubar. And yes , a search box in the AH heh. We need a DDO Peggle too !!! muahaha

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    /not signed

    This is not really an accurate representation of what is actually happening. Yes module 9 took a long time in coming but Turbine realized in order to compete and grow the game it had to re-think its approach and basically redesigned the entire game which is why it took so long to provide module 9 which was actually about 10 months after module 8 was added. If you compare this in contrast to WoW which has been around much longer than DDO they have added what 3 or 4 expansion packs compared to the 9 DDO has in 3 years. For me this is attention to the game by producers and developers.

    I am hearing that module 10 is expected out by year end or very early next year. That would mean that everything that this disgruntled player said to be untrue.

    im afraid you dont know what an add on is.

    what you are describing can more accurately be described as an expansion, new playable areas and such

    an add on makes changes to the user interface, such as new skins, special targeting windows, the ability to view all your bags at once things like that.

    in WoW we have a folder to install add ons created mostly by private individuals that alter the way the game is presented to us without changing the stats/abilities of a player.

  5. #25
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    Ok, I am new to the forums but im going to weight in on this.

    Personally, one of the things I love about DDO over WoW is the -lack- of ADDons. Most of the addons for WoW are there to make the game easier to play, to water it down, tell you when to push what button, and giving out DPS totals so people could flaunt their E-*****.

    Addons that just change the look of the UI (IE: button color, a clock) I don't see an issue with. But do we -really- need graphs, charts, and programs that can be used only for "e-***** bragging" or "Complaining about who is doing x damage"?

    This is not WoW, thankfully. Not because WoW is a bad game, but because I like a different flavor then WoW after playing it for years. Hopefully, it will -stay- different then WoW.

  6. #26
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    There aren't add-ons per se, but you can download new skins for DDO, if you want to change the look of the UI.

    Here's a nifty tutorial on installing them:

  7. #27
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astor1977 View Post
    I recently canceled my WoW account in favor of this game, however, one of the things I'll miss are the various addons that were available to WoW. Are there any addons available for this game? If so, where do I find them?
    As far as I'm aware, there are a few add-ons in the form of skins for your hotbars and other UI elements (I typed 'elementals" by accident here! ) available somewhere.I've never used them, so I couldn't tell you where.

    Also, there is an add-on being developed by Odd Duck for the iPhone that will allow players to check their characters' stats, and eventually, I would imagine, allow you to do things like check your raid timers on the go.

    Pretty sure that's it right now. The lack of add-ons can be due to the game having been out for a shorter time, its lesser popularity, or its much smaller population--measured in the 10s of thousands rather than the millions.

    By the same token, though, the type of grinding in DDO is much different from that of WoW, so a lot of the add-ons I'm aware of for that game are probably unnecessary. That said, I've never played WoW, though I have a lot of friends who do or did for a very long time, which is where I get what little info I have about the devi--er--game.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BanditoRazor View Post
    Personally, one of the things I love about DDO over WoW is the -lack- of ADDons. Most of the addons for WoW are there to make the game easier to play, to water it down, tell you when to push what button, and giving out DPS totals so people could flaunt their E-*****.
    It's true that WOW gameplay suffered from those kinds of problems created by addons.

    But addons were overall an important benefit to WOW, as it allowed errors by the Blizzard programmers to be covered up by 3rd party developers. For a long time there were crucial missing game features only supplied by addons. Extensibility is a great fallback if your own developers might not handle all important needs.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    It's true that WOW gameplay suffered from those kinds of problems created by addons.

    But addons were overall an important benefit to WOW, as it allowed errors by the Blizzard programmers to be covered up by 3rd party developers. For a long time there were crucial missing game features only supplied by addons. Extensibility is a great fallback if your own developers might not handle all important needs.
    If they gave us some sort of web service to connect to for auction listings, we would have auction house viewers that are 100 times better than the one in game. I doubt they would allow us to login and purchase things, but it would be nice to have just for browsing.

  10. #30
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post

    I am hearing that module 10 is expected out by year end or very early next year.
    That's what she said.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    You are of course entitled to your opinion, welcome to the free world. However what you consider a cold hard shaft is your opinion and not mine. I have played other MMO's (many of them) and they do not compare with DDO gameplay and updates in my opinion. The game is in a great state right now and I only see it getting better. Kudos to all of the staff working on DDO.
    uhm duh he already stated that it was just his opinion to then comeback and basically repeat what he said then criticize him for it, makes it seem like you just wanted a snappy comeback which failed miserably. I love d&d and i like ddo but he 100% correct, the only ones i see ever really respond the way you did are p2p players who feel the need to justify why they pay almost $200 a year to be vip when this game has so many flaws theres no justifiable reason to warrant paying that..while you do get a loota perks by going p2p they doint even release ebuff new content for thier vip. and barring a vip using his points per month but he still has to pay for drow warforged and oother unlockables just like f2p thats ********. Not to mention the ******** hireling AI. Kobolds are smarter than mylevel 9 cleric ***

  12. #32
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astor1977 View Post
    Yes, i'm talking about addons such as BankItems, and Auctioneer. As far as content modules go, I've only just started this game, so adding more content for later levels is irrelevant to me I think.
    I have a feeling the devs have these things planned for MyDDO
    but you might wanna search the Suggestion section to see if someone posted this there, and if not, post it yourself. The Devs like seeing people interested in certain things before they get to do them.

    My advice is, put it out there and dont go back on it, people will argue over it but the important part is to put it out there.

    Just please don't ask for DPS calculators or EZ button gameplay addons, or action macros.

  13. #33
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rashonx View Post
    uhm duh he already stated that it was just his opinion to then comeback and basically repeat what he said then criticize him for it, makes it seem like you just wanted a snappy comeback which failed miserably. I love d&d and i like ddo but he 100% correct, the only ones i see ever really respond the way you did are p2p players who feel the need to justify why they pay almost $200 a year to be vip when this game has so many flaws theres no justifiable reason to warrant paying that..while you do get a loota perks by going p2p they doint even release ebuff new content for thier vip. and barring a vip using his points per month but he still has to pay for drow warforged and oother unlockables just like f2p thats ********. Not to mention the ******** hireling AI. Kobolds are smarter than mylevel 9 cleric ***
    Wonderful addition for your first post...

    Seriously though, you have been here 3 months, and know by the way somebody responds whether they are VIP or not?

    Feed Not the Trolls...

  14. #34
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    Default Raid Trackers

    An Addon I would like to see implemented is for Raids. Something to the effect of RL_Tracker would be nice. I totally understand that the DDO system has no use for a DKPmon system but I would still like very much to track the participants of the raid, how many stayed to the boss, keep track of raiders dps and so forth so I can import them to my website.

    Like I said I understand that DDO has no use for DKP system but I could use it to see who showed up to events and give "Points" out to members for each Flagging quest and each raid done, Boss kills, maybe even for rewards and Guild Meeting attendance. I would then use the "Points" allocated by the member to promote them as Officer...i.e. to become an Officer one must accumulate at least 200 Points.

    That said, I really wish they would give out more Ranks other than just Officer and Member. For that matter, I wish they would give the Successor of the guild more control. As of right now the Successor is just the same as an Officer. Successors, in my opinion, should have the ability to boot Officers. But that's another Topic for another Forum.

    Like I was saying, I really wish they would allow at least some 3rd Party addons like a raid, map and AH tracker. What are your view for a Raid Tracking addon that you can import to your website?

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladius View Post
    This is the reason I have been here for so long but with the new changes I'm not so sure that will carry it anymore.
    So leave.

    I hear WoW has some open server space.

  16. #36
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Nice job, attacking the zombie comment in a zombie thread.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  17. #37
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    Well been reading a few threads here and seem same oh same oh with replies some posts a comment about not liking something then someone else says then leave.

    But hey ho life goes on.

    i signed up a subscription for this game didn't take the free version, but i'm a huge fan of WOW cant go any further in the game at the moment until new expansion so i need a stop gap inbetween little breaks i have and heard alot about this game and thought i'd give it a bash.

    here's my take on it ( keep in mind only been playing a few days )

    To the OP yes this game needs addons very sad it doesn't have it, No i dont think it's a waste of time of the DEVS allowing for this i dont know how intense this game gets in high end raids but as in wow you need a lot of infomation availble at a Glance, Threat, DPS, Cooldowns, Peoples Health , mana management, Buffs and Debuffs.
    having addons to postition these and make then a major feature on your screen helps hell of a lot.
    and yes there are a lot of needless ones. i read people saying you dont need them, but isn't that a personal choice ?? if you dont like/want them then dont use them. one thing i've noticed about this game how bland the UI is now IMO if i'm going to be staring at this screen hours each day i'd like it to look a bit more appealing.

    well just my 2 pence worth i love MMO and i really hope this game will grow on me, as i tried a few over the years wow from vanilla(and still my best game), everquest, Aion ( **** that game was the worst £30 i ever spend) now looking for a 2nd game to play alongside wow trying this game.

    Anyway i'll be visting quite a lot as i like to keep up to speed with devs on games i play

  18. #38
    Community Member redgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos000 View Post
    pretty sure that's not what he ment.

    to the OP: Yeah unfortunately there is currently no ability to customize your interface beyond what the tools given in the game.

    Hopefully in the future, turbine will see the value of external programs used to calculate combat statistics, map out quest objectives + collectables/chests + explorer zones/rare encounters, auto scan the auctionhouse for best deals on specific items... but currently we have to wait and hope that the devs will get around to developing those additional tools for us in-game when they get around to it. (provided they see the need for it)
    3rd party exploit gear-mods and add-on trash kills games takes the fun and challenge out and ultimatly leads to epic fail it has no place in a active and growing game you see these trends when games start to die and they try to keep suscribers arround at no cost to the company.

    the day i see 3rd party mods get to ddo is the day i leave. should the tools be available in game from the devolper,well thats not an add-on thats just a update

  19. #39
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    About raid timer,

    Oops, "Velah: Collect Reward!"
    Last edited by shagath; 10-09-2010 at 04:28 AM.

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by redgod View Post
    3rd party exploit gear-mods and add-on trash kills games takes the fun and challenge out and ultimatly leads to epic fail it has no place in a active and growing game you see these trends when games start to die and they try to keep suscribers arround at no cost to the company.

    the day i see 3rd party mods get to ddo is the day i leave. should the tools be available in game from the devolper,well thats not an add-on thats just a update

    See here's another post i dont like so i'll leave so i'll re-quote myself the addons are a personal choice if you dont like them dont install them, if you prefer to fight and battle DDO in it's orginal form then that is your choice but why is it wrong to allow addons to brighten the UI or give you vital info in raids ?? as long as the addon isn't a hack i dont not see the problem,

    one person chooses to cover their UI in info boxes that are otherwise 1 or 2 clicks away in DDO menu to get the same info where is the problem?

    you say if dev team adds it it's ok ?

    so an extreme example addons are allowed and i dont know a type of quest helper is applied some one dont like it and so they leave then next big update DDO dev team thinks hey that's a good little addon i'll add that as a built in feature, does that mean you now come back cos DEV added it ?

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