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  1. #1
    Community Member vegabond1969's Avatar
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    Default Everything Nerfed

    I'm probably not the first to mention this, but what in the world happened!? You go back to full health when you leave a dungeon, even into another. Strength damage from poison vanishes after time. Curses, diseases, and the like disappear after you leave dungeon and I can 2 man STK and Splinterskull with my wife at lvl 3-4. Just seems like you guys have made this waaaaaay to easy.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegabond1969 View Post
    I'm probably not the first to mention this, but what in the world happened!? You go back to full health when you leave a dungeon, even into another. Strength damage from poison vanishes after time. Curses, diseases, and the like disappear after you leave dungeon and I can 2 man STK and Splinterskull with my wife at lvl 3-4. Just seems like you guys have made this waaaaaay to easy.
    str, con, poison, and other stat damages wear off in quest now too. not really complaining about it, just bringing it up.
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  3. #3
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    We could two man stk before the changes and thats even without a mage for the end. But I guess now you can solo it. Yes, they made it easier if you cant get a full group now. And leaving a dungeon after you complete it to receive a free shrine isnt something to complain about as it only saves time.

  4. #4
    Community Member eldrytch75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kodiak974 View Post
    We could two man stk before the changes and thats even without a mage for the end. But I guess now you can solo it. Yes, they made it easier if you cant get a full group now. And leaving a dungeon after you complete it to receive a free shrine isnt something to complain about as it only saves time.
    Could you imagine how many wipes there would be if you still had to shield block the giant with all the Froobs? No one would ever run the **** quest
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  5. #5
    Community Member vegabond1969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eldrytch75 View Post
    Could you imagine how many wipes there would be if you still had to shield block the giant with all the Froobs? No one would ever run the **** quest

    Thats why we were two manning it lol

  6. #6
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vegabond1969 View Post
    Thats why we were two manning it lol

    That's why it was 'easy'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
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  7. #7


    I think this was a wise decision on Turbine's part. Stat damage, negative levels, curses, etc, are very confusing when you're low level. I remember, long, long ago, when I got cursed @ level 4, and didn't know how to get rid of it, rested, shrined, logged off, etc, and it was still there. Very frustrating. Once I got my cleric to 5th level I would stand in the harbor from time to time and throw remove-curse on everyone who had it, because I felt bad for them.

    Stat damage is even worse - imagine you're in a dungeon, you get hit with str damage, and you can't loot the chest. No one knows how to fix you (or you're the cleric, and can't fix yourself). A very frustrating impression.

    But if it goes away over time, well, you've taken a hit, in terms of the time you spend in the dungeon, but you aren't having to basically short-man the rest of the quest because you're ignorant of the mechanics.

    And once you get to 5th/6th/7th level, you can cure stat damage/curses/blindness/negative levels with a spell, and everyone knows it. Basically what they did was make the early levels a little easier, with minimal effect on the mid- and high-level dungeons.

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayDubya View Post
    I think this was a wise decision on Turbine's part. Stat damage, negative levels, curses, etc, are very confusing when you're low level. I remember, long, long ago, when I got cursed @ level 4, and didn't know how to get rid of it, rested, shrined, logged off, etc, and it was still there. Very frustrating. Once I got my cleric to 5th level I would stand in the harbor from time to time and throw remove-curse on everyone who had it, because I felt bad for them.
    That's why they added in the option to get full heals, remove curse, etc., from the spirit binder back in the day. It does seem like they are making everything way easier to cater to a larger audience now though. I guess if it's less frustrating for new players then it's better for Turbine.

  9. #9
    Community Member cipher_nemo4's Avatar
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    I'm new to DDO (yes, with the September 9th release of free-to-play). I find myself being able to solo "normal" mode, which is intended for a group. I can even solo "hard" mode of certain quests when they're a couple of levels below me.

    It does seem a little too easy for things, but then again, I appreciate that. Elite mode still seems very difficult for some quests, even in a decent sized party.

    Overall, the difficulty of DDO is somewhat on par with other MMOs now (I've heard about what it was like before, let alone mostly party content). Is it a good thing? Well, it's probably good for getting more people to play DDO. I'm not complaining though, because I thought many things were balanced well. There are some quests that are a little out of whack (both ways), but overall it's not too bad.

    I just wish there were more quests available in the Marketplace that didn't require "Turbine Points". Hmmm. Oh well, I'm almost at 6 (1/2 a rank to go) and will get past that hump after having to repeat quests like the Waterworks chain to level up. So because of that, I'm actually glad it's easier than it was. Leveling past that hump would have been a pain if quests were more difficult.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by cipher_nemo4 View Post
    I'm new to DDO (yes, with the September 9th release of free-to-play). I find myself being able to solo "normal" mode, which is intended for a group. I can even solo "hard" mode of certain quests when they're a couple of levels below me.
    THis isnt true at all anymore. If you go into a Dungeon Solo while on Normal Difficulty, the Dungeon Scales to your Solo party.

    QUite frankly, Normal IS the new Solo it seems. Especially for folks with experience. The game doesnt really get all that interesting until your doing Quests on Hard and Elite level appropriet.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  11. #11
    Community Member cipher_nemo4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    THis isnt true at all anymore. If you go into a Dungeon Solo while on Normal Difficulty, the Dungeon Scales to your Solo party.

    QUite frankly, Normal IS the new Solo it seems. Especially for folks with experience. The game doesnt really get all that interesting until your doing Quests on Hard and Elite level appropriet.
    Ah, I found this too while researching things just now. Thanks. I usually end up doing my solo quests on normal since solo seems a little weak. The scaling for party size makes sense, but there should be a cap on the scaling (ie: 3 people or so). I went back to Korthos island (new starting area) and found I could pretty much solo every quest there as elite. It helps to have my fighter with 144 HP at level 5, but I'm sure a class with CC could easily solo it as well.

    I started with a Bard because the diversity of the class was intriguing. Later I discovered that I hated mob targeting in DDO for spell casting, so I switching to a hack-n-slash class. I think my bard might have struggled with Elite mode unless I was actually comfortable with cc in this game (or lucky with all pulls). It seems Otto's irresistible dance is a good one, but sleep is just weak.

  12. #12
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    THis isnt true at all anymore. If you go into a Dungeon Solo while on Normal Difficulty, the Dungeon Scales to your Solo party.

    QUite frankly, Normal IS the new Solo it seems. Especially for folks with experience. The game doesnt really get all that interesting until your doing Quests on Hard and Elite level appropriet.
    tru dat, try a 5 man ww elite at appr lvl, more difficult than pre mod for sure, and very entertaining.

  13. #13
    Community Member vegabond1969's Avatar
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    So the scaling system now dictates the level of intensity based upon group size. Thats a good thing then. I recently played City of Heroes and they have a similiar set up for the player made material they now have. This will make it easier for new players to get used to the quests, but may surprise them when they run the upper level stuff on hard and elite.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayDubya View Post
    Stat damage is even worse - imagine you're in a dungeon, you get hit with str damage, and you can't loot the chest. No one knows how to fix you (or you're the cleric, and can't fix yourself). A very frustrating impression.

    But if it goes away over time, well, you've taken a hit, in terms of the time you spend in the dungeon, but you aren't having to basically short-man the rest of the quest because you're ignorant of the mechanics.
    Even at higher levels. Ran something with some level 16s yesterday, and one guy got mummy disease or something. He was standing there and kept casting all this stuff on himself until I finally asked what's up and he said he's diseased and can't get rid of it. I told him to put his disease immunity item on and wait for the next saving throw. "Aha!"

    I like that you're full after leaving a quest because that's similar to resting wherever you are despite the game limiting you to shrine and town resting so you can't even though you probably would be able to. It makes sense you could make camp wherever you are.

    I'm a little mixed on stat damage wearing off in quests, but, I think at least on Normal mode, it's probably a good thing. If nothing else, it's one less thing players need to whine to the babysitter, I mean cleric, to fix for them.

    Which reminds me, hey, you high-level people who don't carry healing potions and can't be bothered to carry things like a Lesser Restoration potion... start. "Wahhh, I'm -2 strength, please help me because I'm too lazy or cheap to carry Lesser Restore."

    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    QUite frankly, Normal IS the new Solo it seems. Especially for folks with experience. The game doesnt really get all that interesting until your doing Quests on Hard and Elite level appropriet.
    Except for things like Devil Assault. Woo wee!
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by cipher_nemo4 View Post
    I'm new to DDO (yes, with the September 9th release of free-to-play). I find myself being able to solo "normal" mode, which is intended for a group. I can even solo "hard" mode of certain quests when they're a couple of levels below me.
    I started playing DDO for the first time ever 3 days ago. Neverwinter Nights was my last experience in a D&D game.

    I solo'd the entire opening island "campaign" in Normal-mode, with a Paladin, not having a clue what I was doing outside of swinging my sword, hitting potions of cure light wounds, and resting. Never died a single time. Never had to back away from a fight to heal up. It honestly felt like I was playing Diablo most of the time.

    Does it get more interesting later on? I never finished Diablo because of the repetition.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayDubya View Post
    I think this was a wise decision on Turbine's part. Stat damage, negative levels, curses, etc, are very confusing when you're low level. I remember, long, long ago, when I got cursed @ level 4, and didn't know how to get rid of it, rested, shrined, logged off, etc, and it was still there. Very frustrating. Once I got my cleric to 5th level I would stand in the harbor from time to time and throw remove-curse on everyone who had it, because I felt bad for them.
    That brings back memories of back in the day when a lvl 5 cleric was hard to find. It was a lot of fun watching everyone running around the harbor with the pink party hats! Even more fun than that was being blinded and trying to find your way to a tavern. Ah, those were the days my friend.
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  17. #17
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    Default It is what you make it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordonopolis View Post
    I started playing DDO for the first time ever 3 days ago. Neverwinter Nights was my last experience in a D&D game.

    I solo'd the entire opening island "campaign" in Normal-mode, with a Paladin, not having a clue what I was doing outside of swinging my sword, hitting potions of cure light wounds, and resting. Never died a single time. Never had to back away from a fight to heal up. It honestly felt like I was playing Diablo most of the time.

    Does it get more interesting later on? I never finished Diablo because of the repetition.
    IMHO - Yes. The early stuff is meant to be super easy, so as to not discourage new players.

    The game is ment to be played in a group. With the dungeon scaling, things are tougher with a full party. At least, that's what I've heard. The tough quests start around level 8 or 10. Then again, there are those who will say that none of the quests are tough. The game is what you make it.
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  18. #18
    Founder Deusxmachina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordonopolis View Post
    Does it get more interesting later on? I never finished Diablo because of the repetition.
    Ahahahaha. They dumbed it down to make it "newbie friendly." Funny how that kind of thing might backfire. Hurray for Grazing Hits!
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  19. #19
    Community Member cipher_nemo4's Avatar
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    Oh wow. I played some of the level 5 quests on solo mode in House Kundarak. Those were very challenging and I had to use the rest shrines 3 times to complete one, and 2 times for another.

    So it looks like most of the nerf is at the beginning, and the new Korthos Island content is extremely easy compared to other quests.

    Yet in House Phiarlan and House Jorasco, the level 6 medium-length quests (both solo and normal) were extremely easy.

    Go figure. I think the balance is wacked overall. But the difficulty from Korthos -> Harbor -> Marketplace is decently balanced to start out super easy and work its way to somewhat normal.

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