how the fook do i get my character to move. arrow keys don't work wasd doesn't work. it's fooking p issing me off.
(another note what's with the censorship, it's not like we're infants?)
how the fook do i get my character to move. arrow keys don't work wasd doesn't work. it's fooking p issing me off.
(another note what's with the censorship, it's not like we're infants?)
For the ingame filter you can turn that off.
As for moving, are you sure you're keyboard is plugged in, and that you aren't in windowed mode with some other window selected? Can you still move your mouse in the DDO field and click your hotbars and things? If so, check your options panel, in the keymapping and see what keys your movement is linked to.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
I have same problem as NobodyManNeo.
It seems that I cant move my char forward and backward. I've checked my mouse and keyboard, they're properly intact. I dont play in windowed mode. I can open inventory, char sheet, etc with keyboard shortcut or mouse click, so it's not mouse or keyboard error. I've checked the key binding, its w or up for forward, and s or down for backward. i pressed w no movement. s, up, down; also no movement. But when i turn left (a or left key) and and turn right (d and right key), my char turn left and right respectively.
So basically, my character cannot move out from the exact spot when we first entered the game. It can turn left and right to see the view, and can roll left, right, roll forward, and roll backwards, but all in the same spot.
Anybody that can help me will be very much appreciated. Please?
i think i found the problem. its the connection issue. I cant move before because my ddo download manager is still downloading the rest of the game.
I paused the download, start the game, log in with my char, tada... my char can move now! play a bit till i get my first weapon, then quit the game so i can resume the download, and i will resume playing when its done downloading. Four days done, another 2 days to go. Longest download ever...
Cant wait the day after tomorrow....