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  1. #1
    Community Member MarcusTelfair's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Cleric or FvS Build help!

    Greetings everyone! I've just started up a DDO Subscription after being blown away by my first impressions with the free version, however now that I'm seriously considering my first main character, I was curious if anyone would be able to help me out with creating a Cleric or FvS build.

    What I'm mainly looking for is a build that allows me to do a good mix of Meele and Healing. I like the idea of being able to wade into combat when needed, but also act as the healer when I'm needed. In regards to melee I like the idea of dual wielding, but I'm not sure how feasable this actually is (even with having Drow unlocked). I was wondering if anyone happened to have any build suggestions for me, as I'm pretty much in the dark and I don't want to mess things up from the get go. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    ***Edited based on feedback***

    Let me try to be a bit more specific as to what I'm looking for, and what the situation is:

    A) I do have both Drow and FvS unlocked
    B) I do NOT have 32 point builds unlocked
    C) I can obtain a +1 tome if necessary

    As for the build itself:
    1) I am not opposed to taking a few levels from other classes if it helps the build
    2) The main point of the build is to be a decent Melee damage dealing healer who does most of their healing in the thick of battle - I'm trying to avoid being a healbot as much as possible
    3) Damage spells are secondary to utility, but at least a few would be nice to spice things up!
    4) I want to be able to keep a group alive with my healing. Alive but battered by the time we get to a shrine is fine .
    5) I'd very much like to go the TWF route if at all possible
    6) I'd also like to have Heavy Armor Proficency, but it's not absolutely required
    7) I'd like to play a Drow
    Last edited by MarcusTelfair; 09-20-2009 at 12:27 AM. Reason: Edited based on thread feedback

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusTelfair View Post
    Greetings everyone! I've just started up a DDO Subscription after being blown away by my first impressions with the free version, however now that I'm seriously considering my first main character, I was curious if anyone would be able to help me out with creating a Cleric or FvS build.

    What I'm mainly looking for is a build that allows me to do a good mix of Meele and Healing. I like the idea of being able to wade into combat when needed, but also act as the healer when I'm needed. In regards to melee I like the idea of dual wielding, but I'm not sure how feasable this actually is (even with having Drow unlocked). I was wondering if anyone happened to have any build suggestions for me, as I'm pretty much in the dark and I don't want to mess things up from the get go. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
    First need alittle more info

    1) Do you care about offensive casting such as BB, destruction, implosion etc
    2) Do you want to be an ok healer or be an excellent one?
    3) Are you willing to take a level or 2 of something else. Say 18 cleric/1 fighter/1 monk or something like that, or do you want to be pure cleric or pure fvs?
    4) Do you have FVS unlocked also or just drow
    5) Do you have a level free +1 tome on hand?

    I think if you answer these things some people that like battle clerics and battle fvs will hop in here and help you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  3. #3
    Community Member MarcusTelfair's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    To answer the questions you suggested:

    1) A few offensive spells would be nice, but the main focus is utility and healing, with damage comming mostly from melee
    2) I would like to be able to keep a party alive, but I want to be in the thick of battle while doing it; I want to avoid being a healbot if at all possible
    3) I can definitely take levels in something else! Whatever helps me create a solid build
    4) I have both FvS and Drow unlocked
    5) I don't have one on hand, but I could easily purchase one, as I have some turbine points kicking around

    Some other things that I forgot to mention and/or might like if possible
    1) I don't yet have 32 point builds unlocked, so it will have to be based on a 28 point system
    2) I have my heart set a bit on TWF - If anyone could make this work with TWF I'd be greatful!
    3) It'd also be nice to wear heavy armor, but this definitely is not required

    If anyone has the time to help me with this build, I'd owe them big time!

  4. #4
    Last edited by FluffyCalico; 09-20-2009 at 12:32 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  5. #5
    Community Member MarcusTelfair's Avatar
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    I was eyeing those a bit, but I was hesitant, as I was leaning a bit towards FvS, and I was unsure how to translate those builds into something that takes into account the new level 20 cap and playing as a FvS as opposed to a Cleric. Any suggestions? The Build I think I like most is:

  6. #6


    Rule #1 you want level 9 spells. This means 17 levels of cleric or 18 of FVS
    Rule #2 evasion is nice if you can squeeze it in
    Rule #3 you want a good weapon
    Rule #4 you need to be able to hit with that weapon you swing

    If we look at how this effect things
    You could do something like
    Cleric 17/fighter1/monk2 You would get the weapons profecency and several extra feats and good saves and evasion
    FVS18/monk2 You would be able to get a good weapon from your race/faith line and would get evaions and feat and saves from the monk

    would start with at least 14 str and 14 con and 14 wisdom. If you go FVS make sure you take some CHA too.

    Also all that wisdom is going to convert to ac due to the monk.
    Last edited by FluffyCalico; 09-20-2009 at 12:54 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  7. #7
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    go here, make this, only start with 10 wisdom because you only have 28 point builds

    Trust me. It is exceptional.

    The wisdom thing isn't going to be a major issue (its about 60 spell points at level 20, and you aren't really landing spells with dcs even with the 32 point version, so otherwise its a non-issue)

    just get a +1 wisdom item or tome right away so you can cast your level 1 spells

    Getting the +2 dexterity tome is a pain, but its not impossible to get and you can respec your feats to get the twf feats after you acquire it if necessary

    It will not be as easy to make as most of the other builds posted here, but it will be better once its done than pretty much every one of them

    if you make a 10 con drow twfer as your first high level character, by the way, you're going to die constantly.

    Favored souls are very new, so take any builds involving them with a grain of salt; no one knows if they'll work yet, because none are high level and well geared yet to tell you.

  8. #8
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post

    go here, make this, only start with 10 wisdom because you only have 28 point builds

    Trust me. It is exceptional.

    The wisdom thing isn't going to be a major issue (its about 60 spell points at level 20, and you aren't really landing spells with dcs even with the 32 point version, so otherwise its a non-issue)

    just get a +1 wisdom item or tome right away so you can cast your level 1 spells

    Getting the +2 dexterity tome is a pain, but its not impossible to get and you can respec your feats to get the twf feats after you acquire it if necessary

    It will not be as easy to make as most of the other builds posted here, but it will be better once its done than pretty much every one of them

    if you make a 10 con drow twfer as your first high level character, by the way, you're going to die constantly.

    Favored souls are very new, so take any builds involving them with a grain of salt; no one knows if they'll work yet, because none are high level and well geared yet to tell you.
    That's a solid build, I agree. But it may be a little complicated for a new player to start off with, and will have many hundred fewer SP for healing than a favored soul. That build is more about being a melee first, with healing being secondary. I have to say that's not likely to be a play style that will come easily to a new player with no banked plat to buy tons of wands and scrolls to use as a backup.

    Also, the claim that you can just get a +2 dex tome whenever and then respec to pick up TWF is false. For instance, if you get a +2 dex tome at level 13, you will not be able to respec your level 9 or 12 feats (or anything lower) for Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Keeping in mind that the soonest you can take Improved Critical is level 12 due to not getting full BAB, the absolute latest you could use the tome is while you are still level 14. Otherwise you will not be able to get Greater Two Weapon Fighting.

    I would have to say that a new player without a giant bank account would be far better served with a build that heals and melees well, than a build that melees a little better but is considerably more limited with how much healing it can natively produce.
    Last edited by Stanley_Nicholas; 09-21-2009 at 07:25 PM.
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