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  1. #21
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post

    go here, make this, only start with 10 wisdom because you only have 28 point builds

    Trust me. It is exceptional.

    The wisdom thing isn't going to be a major issue (its about 60 spell points at level 20, and you aren't really landing spells with dcs even with the 32 point version, so otherwise its a non-issue)

    just get a +1 wisdom item or tome right away so you can cast your level 1 spells

    Getting the +2 dexterity tome is a pain, but its not impossible to get and you can respec your feats to get the twf feats after you acquire it if necessary

    It will not be as easy to make as most of the other builds posted here, but it will be better once its done than pretty much every one of them

    if you make a 10 con drow twfer as your first high level character, by the way, you're going to die constantly.

    Favored souls are very new, so take any builds involving them with a grain of salt; no one knows if they'll work yet, because none are high level and well geared yet to tell you.
    That's a solid build, I agree. But it may be a little complicated for a new player to start off with, and will have many hundred fewer SP for healing than a favored soul. That build is more about being a melee first, with healing being secondary. I have to say that's not likely to be a play style that will come easily to a new player with no banked plat to buy tons of wands and scrolls to use as a backup.

    Also, the claim that you can just get a +2 dex tome whenever and then respec to pick up TWF is false. For instance, if you get a +2 dex tome at level 13, you will not be able to respec your level 9 or 12 feats (or anything lower) for Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Keeping in mind that the soonest you can take Improved Critical is level 12 due to not getting full BAB, the absolute latest you could use the tome is while you are still level 14. Otherwise you will not be able to get Greater Two Weapon Fighting.

    I would have to say that a new player without a giant bank account would be far better served with a build that heals and melees well, than a build that melees a little better but is considerably more limited with how much healing it can natively produce.
    Last edited by Stanley_Nicholas; 09-21-2009 at 07:25 PM.
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