Greetings everyone! I've just started up a DDO Subscription after being blown away by my first impressions with the free version, however now that I'm seriously considering my first main character, I was curious if anyone would be able to help me out with creating a Cleric or FvS build.
What I'm mainly looking for is a build that allows me to do a good mix of Meele and Healing. I like the idea of being able to wade into combat when needed, but also act as the healer when I'm needed. In regards to melee I like the idea of dual wielding, but I'm not sure how feasable this actually is (even with having Drow unlocked). I was wondering if anyone happened to have any build suggestions for me, as I'm pretty much in the dark and I don't want to mess things up from the get go. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
***Edited based on feedback***
Let me try to be a bit more specific as to what I'm looking for, and what the situation is:
A) I do have both Drow and FvS unlocked
B) I do NOT have 32 point builds unlocked
C) I can obtain a +1 tome if necessary
As for the build itself:
1) I am not opposed to taking a few levels from other classes if it helps the build
2) The main point of the build is to be a decent Melee damage dealing healer who does most of their healing in the thick of battle - I'm trying to avoid being a healbot as much as possible
3) Damage spells are secondary to utility, but at least a few would be nice to spice things up!
4) I want to be able to keep a group alive with my healing. Alive but battered by the time we get to a shrine is fine .
5) I'd very much like to go the TWF route if at all possible
6) I'd also like to have Heavy Armor Proficency, but it's not absolutely required
7) I'd like to play a Drow