Can someone help me by explaining how the combat formulas work? What ones are used in the game?
Can someone help me by explaining how the combat formulas work? What ones are used in the game?
IF d20 + tohit >= ac THEN hit
shortest way to explain it imo^^
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
For Critical hits...
If your D20 roll is within your threat range, Reroll to confirm your critical hit. If your confirmation roll is higher than the targets AC, then a critical hit is made if it passes any fortification or immunity to critical hits. A natural 20 will always hit, but not always crit. 20 then 20 will always crit unless they are immune to critical hits. (amorphous physiology, undead, fortification, or otherwise.