DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
actually reducing haste and leaving EVERYTHING ELSE the same while increasing everyone's attack speed is the current best idea on the board in many peeps opinion. its fair to all, haste still works and boosts like it should (just less of a difference between hasted and non-hasted) and the overall attack speed with haste will be close to the same as before this fugly little patch.
Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness
Personally I would like to be less dependent on the haste addiction. Right now as it is at high levels you have to have it plain and simple. It is so bad devs probably calculate people having it into their content.
"Be good, if you can't be good then be good at it."
I did it once I will do it again no matter if I agree or disagree with Borror0 I find he does
his research on what he talks about. People been name calling and putting words in his
mouth so figured a little rep +1 for Borr. A far as what he said simple stating it, some
people will not like change no matter what it is merely because it is change.
"Be good, if you can't be good then be good at it."
Exactly what I meant.
quintuss, if you don't see how I could have meant that, PM and I'll explain. Deeper explanations would have a great potential of derailing the thread.
I will opt for "might" rather than "will", however. It depends on how they pull it off.
Last edited by Borror0; 09-19-2009 at 02:04 PM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Just gotta ad the concept of haste becoming "Less Critical" is extremely appealing to me. and I'm sure many melee based soloers would share that opinion.
Last edited by SimVerg; 09-19-2009 at 02:13 PM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Because it is dammit!
On a serious note, should be pretty good to reduce the haste addiction while still retaining the same level of power - attack speed - however it wouldn't really solve the issue on it's own, it's just a derived sideffect of a fix to the fix.
The standard formula for calculating attack rate with haste has two things that modify it(duration * haste modifier): fudge factor(currently .95) which provides around a 5% increase to the efficacy of any haste effect and overhead(the portion of the animation time that is not sped up by haste; previously it varied between styles so it may be an actual art issue). These are likely the two easiest ways of modifying the effects of haste effects(not sure on overhead). Changing either of them impacts all haste effects. The other way to do it would be to change the actual benefit provided by all haste effects(so, Haste goes from .75 to .8 for example) but this is prone to them forgetting things, which they seem to do every mod in re the immunities list.
I think Eladrin was simply referring to Enhancement bonus to melee alacrity when he said "Haste-like" effect.
I would be surprised to see anything that is not an Enhancement bonus being modified. I would be overkill and unneeded complexity for an otherwise relatively simple fix. (That is not to say that reducing the size of some bonuses is a bad thing but it's too complex for an hotfix/small patch.)
Last edited by Borror0; 09-19-2009 at 02:28 PM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
eladrin said the wording he used referred to reconstruct's haste like effect (whatever the hell that means), not class granted benefits, but we will see. if they reduce any class granted attack speed boosts all hell will break loose. too many toons built specifically around those abilities, regardless of which class. still, it is turbine........
Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness
Wait a second!....the Earth isn't flat?!?!Since when?! Would u guys please start putting this info in the release notes!!!!! Geesh
Reconstruct gives a 30 second haste equivalent to any warforged hit with the spell that doesn't stack with haste.
I just hope they do something about the attack speed...I can't even beat down enemy casters who can heal themselves with my battle cleric anymore using S&B as the attack speed is so **** slow, even with Divine Power and haste going. Well....not can't, it's just much harder than it used to be. Also, the Troll regeneration in the new quests is HELL to deal with after the Attack speed fudge up
Last edited by Ranmaru2; 09-19-2009 at 03:31 PM.