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  1. #1
    Community Member kyebosh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Change to Mouse Warping not completely fixed...

    Many thanks for turning off the "return to centre" behaviour & the "mouselook" text spamming, but there's still one issue remaining that's pretty dang annoying

    I use mouselook mode for >90% of my character control, & double-click on (centre) targeted usables for interaction. Has worked fine since initial retail release.

    Since 9.0, clicking LMB while in mouselook causes the cursor to unhook & act like !mouselook while ever the button is held (short as that time may be).

    The problem is: if you attempt to double-click, click 1 hits your (centre) target, but click 2 lands wherever your unhooked cursor was last left. This makes mouselook interacting pretty much unusable.

    Any chance of this getting rolled back?
    I'd love a short response either way, just to know it's on the radar (I've bug reported it too just in case).


  2. #2
    Community Member kyebosh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I see a few threads with the same complaint, one of which explained a fix (remapping mouse 0 to "DDO Classic Interact".

    This works for the clicking issue, but now clicking while in !mouselook doesn't steer like it used to

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kyebosh View Post
    Many thanks for turning off the "return to centre" behaviour
    I have to completely disagree. Please Please please add an option for us to toggle the mouse to return to center.
    No offense to those who like the fix but, some us actually like the mouse cursor returning to center

    Edit: fwiw, instead of doubleclicking things under my target HUD, I usually just R-click. You think doubleclicking is broken...........

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