How much favor am I going to need to get the ~800 points neccesary to buy the Monk class?
How much favor am I going to need to get the ~800 points neccesary to buy the Monk class?
if you're talking about the 100 favor for 25 TP...
400 favor = 100 TP
400 * 8 = 3200 favor total.... lots of characters.... good luck =3
I dont have the link on me as this isn't my normal computer, but I know off hand that some Per Server Rewards are:
First 5 favor= 50TP
25 favor= 25 TP
50 favor= 25 TP
These are once Per Server, so accounting for this, if you make a character on each server and bring each one to 100 TP, you earn: 6(50+25+25+25)=6(125)=750 TP (50 for each hitting 5, 25 for each hitting 25,50,&100.) At this point bring two of them to 200 or one to 300
if you search robi F2P guide you should find Robi 3.0's Guide, which includes favor rewards