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Thread: I love DDO!

  1. #1
    Community Member Maxelcat's Avatar
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    Thumbs up I love DDO!

    Let me be specific.

    After years sitting around rolling dice and dreaming about a program that I can get together with my friends and go out and play characters, kill things, take their stuff with out one of us having to DM (or build a NWN persistent world) DDO is perfect.

    Mind you, I looked at DDO when it launched. I was... unimpressed to say the least. I saw the Potential... but it needed some time to get to where it is now.

    Most of my friends are all around the (real) world now, and to be able to get together for a few hours, hear their voice and have fun with them (just like the old days) is the best part of the game.

    I think a lot of people that complain about things are just complaining for sake that something isn't how they want it. No Game is perfect. D&D has how many editions?

    I also think a lot of people have MMO-itis. Where numbers, loot farming, perfect builds and attempting to "WIN" become the important thing, not the fun of the game and spending time with people. (and killing things and taking their stuff )

    Sure, there are still some issues. But I see that they are getting addressed, and while I may not agree with how something are done, I can see how/why they are done that way.

    DDO is Fun, Looks Great, Involving, Well Written.... something that NO OTHER MMORPG has been able to do in my opinion. (yes, I've tried a lot.) Its taken Everything I LOVED about NWN and made it better.

    The change in Combat Animations! I like it. I like the new sounds, I like the visceral feel I get in combat now, its not just point click die anymore. (and I like the speed boost to the attack from stealth that looks like we got).

    I LOVE the new content!!! (the trap changes, nothing says love than good traps!) even going back and replaying some of the things that changed is fun!

    Going Free to Play. (I'm a VIP) best Idea ever. increases the number of players, and there's lots of new people that are fantastic. (I PUG alot when my guild not on)

    DDO store. The guest passes are awesome. The little bits and pieces are useful.

    Dungeon Scaleing. Needs a little tweaking, but good work so far.

    Monsters giving glancing blows. Personally I like it. You can't be surrounded by kolbolds and not get a little dinged up regardless of your AC. (mind you when I DM I have a similar house rule)

    Dungeon Alert. I see its point. though I only encountered it yesterday. (My guild plays more tactically like P&P D&D so we don't encounter it usually) I think it makes sense. However in Mods where the trick is to "RUN LIKE HECK" (Shadow king) I might need to be nudged a little more forgiving... also I think there might be a issue with spawning monsters Immediately knowing where you are hiding just cause the Dungeon alert is on and coming over to you and attacking. (even a few rooms away even... does dungeon alert increase mobs spot/search/listen?)

    Enhancements. At first I was a little warey about it. (too close to the horrors of 4th ed in my mind) but the little tweaks are great for individualizing your build. (no such thing as a stock fighter anymore) and the inclusion of the "Prestige classes" into that part of the game was brilliant.

    All and all... the game is great. Not perfect, but great.

    I just wanted to point that out in the flood of complaining that I think Turbine is doing a great job and I Expect that DDO is only going to get better.

    I'm Looking forward to Epic campaigns (+20 lvl), more "Prestige classes", Maybe some multi-class enhancements, more great named Items and Quests...

    But most of all, I'm looking forward to playing DDO for years to come.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Hireling: "Oh god, you're in trouble!" *heal fail* "Oh god, you're still in trouble!!" *heal fail* "Nooooo I will save you!!!" *heal fail* etc. but to the player, it just looked like the hireling was standing there staring off into space. He's not staring...he's thinking...REALLY hard.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cedrica-the-Bard's Avatar
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    Nice post. Rep for you!

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    While DDO is certainly king of the MMORPG market (in pure game design philosophy)
    I would balk at anyone who called it perfect, especially when its so heavily based on something with which is has nothing, roleplaying.

  4. #4
    Community Member sunkenfaith's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    I have to agree; this is one of the better MMOs I have played in a long time. Yes, even wow.

    Kristalyn | Fiyn | Xiyn
    I am rediscovering my love for D&D through this game. Please guide me along!

  5. #5
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    You got to understand right now people are complaining about mainly the attack chain change (It does need some work!). People who have played so long tend to get use to it and become set in play styles so when something that big is changed it comes hard to them. Try not to take it to heart and understand its frustration from many that causes some of the statements from here. Enjoy the game and +1 rep for you.
    Last edited by quickgrif; 09-19-2009 at 04:48 AM.
    "Be good, if you can't be good then be good at it."


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