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  1. #1
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    Default Marilith in Genesis Point

    Er, Bastion of Power, I suppose =)

    Has anyone else noticed the ridiculously small range she has?

    Today I watched her rubber band THREE (+) times while still in the confines of the room she spawns in (going to full health from a sliver, half, and about 3/4's respectively). It caused us to fail, of course. Had she never suddenly respawned at full health she would have dropped the very first time. We basically killed her 1.75 times over, as well as the continuously respawning lesser demons.

    The rubber-banding is probably the lamest feature I can think of, in the game right now. What sense does it make, that she goes back to full health for no legitimate reason?

    She doesn't want to get within 5 feet of the hallway that happens to have the stairs behind it? (and a LOCKED GATE, I might add) Okay! Just have her NOT go down there. Why freaking RESPAWN her (she didn't even leave the room before respawning). It's completely, and absolutely... (refraining from a stream of swearing here) unnecessary.

    This goes for ALL Monsters & AI, not just this particular Marilith.

    Get rid of the "Rubber-Banding" !!!

    Please =)
    Last edited by Velexia; 09-18-2009 at 01:06 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  2. #2
    Community Member Vivanto's Avatar
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    You mean in bastion of power no? Didn't do all 4 sides in genesis point yet, only 2 so far. Which is the marilith if any?

  3. #3
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    That could be it. It's the one with all of the portals... the bells, and the Horned Devil.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  4. #4
    Community Member paul1devries's Avatar
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    hmm - we have only done the portals in genesis point - i assume if you pull a different lever after you get that last message that a different door will open?

    That would be cool and interesting - what happened on the second type for you?

    Oh and to original post - we have done the Bastion of power alot of times and i have never seen the rubber band on her - that would really suck..maybe get a rgr to attack from side oppostie of stairs so she never goes that way?


  5. #5
    Community Member Depravity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivanto View Post
    You mean in bastion of power no? Didn't do all 4 sides in genesis point yet, only 2 so far. Which is the marilith if any?
    Detention area in genesis - North I think? But there aren't any stairs there, so I think we are talking bastion, in which she does have a ridiculously short rubber leash.
    Near useless builds for those who want a challenge: The True(ly Useless) Necromancer - The Abuse Sponge Paladin
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  6. #6
    Community Member Vivanto's Avatar
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    Aye it's bastion then, first you need to beat down the horned devil then the "demon spies" spawn, which includes a marilith, 2 fiendish gnolls and a couple hezrou later on.

    It never respawned for us tough, we always just kept her in the main hall with a straight beat down. Dosen't really hit as hard as queen lailat in the dq raid, a good ac tank can take her while the others kill it from behind avoiding the deadly 6-blade attacks.

  7. #7
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velexia View Post
    That could be it. It's the one with all of the portals... the bells, and the Horned Devil.

    Yes, it is Bastion of Power.

    I would suggest stop leaving a person or Summon outside of the final room and/or not pulling her back to the Gate.

    Also, be sure to /loc and document the situation when you send in a bug report.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  8. #8
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Yes, it is Bastion of Power.

    I would suggest stop leaving a person or Summon outside of the final room and/or not pulling her back to the Gate.

    Also, be sure to /loc and document the situation when you send in a bug report.
    I would /loc it and bug report it, except I don't want her range increased, I want this senseless feature removed entirely...

    Fighting the disease, rather than the symptoms.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  9. #9
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivanto View Post
    Aye it's bastion then, first you need to beat down the horned devil then the "demon spies" spawn, which includes a marilith, 2 fiendish gnolls and a couple hezrou later on.

    It never respawned for us tough, we always just kept her in the main hall with a straight beat down. Dosen't really hit as hard as queen lailat in the dq raid, a good ac tank can take her while the others kill it from behind avoiding the deadly 6-blade attacks.
    I think we may have been lacking a good AC/Intimi tank (dunno what type of fighter it was that we had, maybe we needed two good tanks?)... that would have helped me miss her silly 15 foot radius range =)

    Thing is though, we were kicking serious tail through the whole quest right up until that garbage... I was playing my Rogue, Syllexys... does great on the Marilith from behind, and can't stand face to face with her for very long at all, heh.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  10. #10
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Turbine doesn't like it when players use the terrain to outsmart bosses, so they introduced the Rubber Leash to make using the terrain more annoying. But seriously... if a person were to get to a place the Marilith couldn't reach and try to use ranged weapons, wouldn't they just go where the switches that kill the Horned Devil are? (The stairs do not really provide an advantage to the players, since the Marilith is on top and the players are on the bottom.)

    Pleae fix this Marilith's short rubber leash. When the gates are up and she STILL rubberbands back al full health, you know there is a problem. Please extend the range to slightly beyond the gates, so that she doesn't run for the gate just to gain full health.

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  11. #11
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    I experienced the same thing today on Hard. She was still well in the main chamber and leashed. It sucked and we wiped as she was almost dead and casters had blown their mana.

  12. #12
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Rubber banding sucks.

    And for fights that feature a lock-in system like this one, make zero sense.

    Just turn off her ability to rubber band completely, there would still be no way to exploit her as the room locks you in and is fairly small.

    Plus fix the fact that she bugs out almost everytime I do the quest and only attacks once.

  13. #13
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    There -is- a marilith in genesis point, and its basically the same mob as the one in bastion of power, though its confined to a small room so it doesnt have leashing issues.

    both hae much smaller knockdown areas than the demon queen or the princess in PoP, so they are much more meleeable if you have a decent range weapon

  14. #14
    Community Member Velexia's Avatar
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    This particular Marilith had a K name, I believe? She spawned inside of a small room that had several alcoves and a set of stairs that were blocked off by a large gate for the fight. Just before fighting her, you fight a Horned Devil.

    While fighting her, Gnolls, Barbazus(?), and Jariliths spawn continuously.

    She leashes if she even brushes up against the alcove (essentially) that has stairs behind the locked gate. The room is very small, so that can happen very easily.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Get more Aliens quotes into Voice Chat: This makes the "evac" a much more tactical choice, and puts some serious pressure on the rest of the group when your Wizard leaves. "Game over man, game over! Now what the **** are we supposed to do?"

  15. #15
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default The Marilith...

    Her AI is buggy. She has yet to even move when I run that part.

    We just tank her down when that happens. After the progressive waves of devils, it's definitely a welcome relief on an already exhausted party. On the 2 occasions we did the jail, our cleric and caster were so worn out that they simply went to bed right after completion. I am so glad she didn't activate the nightmarish fight that Velexia describes(only nightmarish due to the circumstances: 2am, been up all day and half the night, worn smooth out and just dealt with 250 devils and whatnot... already done with the quest, not looking forward to a bigger fight at the end). We did not have any Ranged builds, and it would have resulted in a disgusted failure had her AI worked properly.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 09-19-2009 at 06:18 PM. Reason: This section of the quest needs a balance.

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