Er, Bastion of Power, I suppose =)
Has anyone else noticed the ridiculously small range she has?
Today I watched her rubber band THREE (+) times while still in the confines of the room she spawns in (going to full health from a sliver, half, and about 3/4's respectively). It caused us to fail, of course. Had she never suddenly respawned at full health she would have dropped the very first time. We basically killed her 1.75 times over, as well as the continuously respawning lesser demons.
The rubber-banding is probably the lamest feature I can think of, in the game right now. What sense does it make, that she goes back to full health for no legitimate reason?
She doesn't want to get within 5 feet of the hallway that happens to have the stairs behind it? (and a LOCKED GATE, I might add) Okay! Just have her NOT go down there. Why freaking RESPAWN her (she didn't even leave the room before respawning). It's completely, and absolutely... (refraining from a stream of swearing here) unnecessary.
This goes for ALL Monsters & AI, not just this particular Marilith.
Get rid of the "Rubber-Banding" !!!
Please =)