After logging into my character, I can play the game for three minutes or so. Afterwards, the game proceeds to freeze... unless I diagnose my net connection. As soon as I click the diagnose button the game UNfreezes, but of course, generally with me dying. I don't understand it at all. Does my net connection not refresh itself while I am playing? Naturally, I should be able to play, but ineffectively, as the game quickly freezes 20 seconds after getting back in.
I can turn and swing my weapon, but I cannot jump or move. I consistently get the 'Connection to Chat Lost' error as well.
I am so confused on what to do. I've tried everything; I changed my IP, opened ALL ports (which is just ridiculous, I shouldn't have to expose myself like that), I've even tried turning OFF my firewall (see previous parentheses). This is getting ridiculous, and free game or not, I'm not even close to being convinced I should buy extras for a game I cannot play.
This is absolutely outrageous. I need help, DDO team needs to get off their asses (you know what I mean, I realize that they are at a computer), SOMETHING needs to be done about this **** thing. Quit working on trying to get as much money as possible from the players already playing, and help other players get into the game, so you can leech us too. It's more money, so where's the bad?