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  1. #21
    Community Member GunboatDiplomat's Avatar
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    "Need Healing? We've got that!"

    No you don't , all you've got are rip off items for newbie players who will curse the real world monies they've wasted on csw pots once they find out they're easily buyable with gold.

    So I agree with the op (even though hsi math is awful), the ddo store should at least sell healing pots that are a little better than the ones you can buy from house J!

  2. #22
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Cheapest healing in the game. Hireling Clerics. Only a fraction of the plat that a stack of scrolls or a mountain of pots would cost. Just get one without a suicide death pact.

    If healing costs are too high, it is probably because the tactics being used are causing them. Many times some players trade off time for in game expenses. Complete a quest a bit quicker but burn tons of resources to do it.

    and as others pointed out, meta magic no longer affects items (scrolls, wands, pots, etc). At one time in a mod long ago, things were a bit different, but currently only enhancements help.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  3. #23
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    put 1 level of pally or ranger in for full wand usage, boost your umd, or make a halfling fighter with dragon marks. All are alternatives to mitigate self healing cost. But yes, I agree they should make more potent healing pots; however, anyone who has been around long enough knows the cost of playing a pure fighter to level 20.

    I would never run a pure fighter simply because I do not see the overall benefit, but thats me.
    The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332

  4. #24
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    Two more things:

    1. This is a teamplay game. It isn't intended for every character build to be self-sufficient for healing, although some are. If you choose not to be, that's up to you. It was predictable that hitpoint totals would keep increasing after potions stopped.

    2. It would be a good idea for the developers to allow more characters to cover their own healing, as long as it was moderately expensive and too slow to use in combat. I shall make a suggestion to that effect.

  5. #25
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    People do discount heal scrolls allot. Yea they can't crit for 1000+.. But they can actually do 300 to 400+

    110 base, x1.75 (max bard scroll mastery) = 192.
    Add some healing amp, a human ftr can get about 190%.. 1.9.. = 364.

    Or paladin, hunter of the dead can get another 30%.. For over 400.

    Tho silver flame 250 pots can heal for even more.. Just hard to handle them on a ftr without barb lvls as you take some heavy stat hits, and move like a snail after drinking one...

    But on my barb.. Drink one (370 healing with his amp), sprint boost.. Pretty much unnoticable, still run faster then most party members.

  6. #26
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    People do discount heal scrolls allot. Yea they can't crit for 1000+.. But they can actually do 300 to 400+

    110 base, x1.75 (max bard scroll mastery) = 192.
    bards get +75% on scrolls??
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    bards get +75% on scrolls??

    Yup, and clerics now get up to 55%.

    One of mod 9's "Stealth Unnerfs"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  8. #28
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Self sufficient isnt dropping 100hp heals on yourself. Its not doing this:

    I has con dmg! I has poison! I has chlamydia! OMG Im blind! I (insert class that can cast their own resists) needs a resist. OMG Ive had 20% of my hp missing for 20 seconds now you arent doing your job by keeping me at 100% with a fresh Aid buff on top of that! Even though I can use a CSW wand... Whats a potion vendor?

    I guess everyone has their definition of self sufficient thats mine.
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  9. #29
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Self sufficient isnt dropping 100hp heals on yourself. Its not doing this:

    I has con dmg! I has poison! I has chlamydia! OMG Im blind! I (insert class that can cast their own resists) needs a resist. OMG Ive had 20% of my hp missing for 20 seconds now you arent doing your job by keeping me at 100% with a fresh Aid buff on top of that! Even though I can use a CSW wand... Whats a potion vendor?

    I guess everyone has their definition of self sufficient thats mine.
    LOL awesome-I was going to make a response, now I no longer need to
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  10. #30
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Yup, and clerics now get up to 55%.

    One of mod 9's "Stealth Unnerfs"
    the cleric +55% i knew but 75% wow
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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    o o

  11. #31
    Community Member Guder's Avatar
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    Default Omfg

    It's been a while since I was on this rant...but I remember being very bleary-eyed when I was typing it out.
    Reading back over my mixing up of what I was trying to say..I have to admit that my math looks strange but what I was trying to make the point of is that healing/supplies/strength vs resources is out of whack, IMO.

    However, since I read those that chose to respond to my very obvious 'Rant'...I would just like to say that I've never seen so many idiots line up to play with themselves.

    To this Guy :

    Quote Originally Posted by uhgungawa View Post
    Heal scrolls do 100-150 HP depends on enhancements (no critting on scrolls bub). Since you didn't know this, I suggest you shut it and roll a cleric before you open it again
    You BUB, are the definition of IDIOT...I'm making the argument that clerics have to spend too much on resources and you insult me about playing a cleric...what? Are you truely so stupid? Maybe your just into self-mutilation? Mommy didn't treat you nice? You wake up with nightmares about broccoli?

    My thought lines were that a cleric overheals on mana healing and other sources of healing are underpowered and you give weight to my argument by using correct data of a Heal scroll only doing 100-150hps...and then you fail.

    MAY I suggest you never accept the stack of Heal and stack of MassCureMod and the mana pots that are passed to you quite regularly from the rest of ANY GOOD Party since you so obviously don't need them.

    And this guy...O my lord:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    • Wrong groups perhaps?
    • Maybe the wrong character?
    • Or better yet, the wrong player.

    When in a group, sure it is nice to have a "melee" tank able to be self sufficent but as a divine caster (cleric or FvS), it is not tough to throw a heal now and again. If you are getting in full groups and not playing as a group, you are in the WRONG GROUP.
    There is no question that at times, (not all the time) there are groups and quests where a few resources may be consumed. In fact, that is why they are in the game. They exsist to help players when needed. However....Every Quest in this game can be completed without using a single potion, scroll, wand or mana pot. Yes, it is possible!
    You're just a blathering Idiot..not the dictionary Picture of one perhaps, but one none the less.
    Have you ever been OUT of THE HARBOR? Do you HAVE ANY characters that are above level 6? Are YOU a Sept. Joined F2P?
    That's got to be have never run TOD, or VOD...or even noticed that I was on a rant about ELITE RUNs of THOSE Raids!

    Though I do agree with you on his point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    If you are in a group and the Cleric/FvS says that they need donations for scrolls and wands for EVERY quest, then they just might be the WRONG PLAYER.
    Especially since I obviously run raids with you all the time...and I so thank you for not being one of those BEGGER Cleric types.
    Man, don't we hate those clerics that whine when they are out of supplies to heal...'I need scrolls'..'I need pots'...

    And YES...This Gentleman...Oh, you poor lost soul...I am so sorry your mother made the choices she did...

    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    1. Silver Flame Healing Potion
    2. Level 11 Cleric Hireling
    3. Heal papers to your friendly neighborhood Clerc/Fav/Bard/Rogue.

    Mnemonic Potions should not be on the menu for healing needs except in serious emergencies, or out of laziness to buy Heal scrolls.
    WHY, oh Why, have I never thought to bring a LEVEL 11 HIRELING CLERIC into TOD? Tsk, TSk..shame on me...Oh the shame...

    Let me just reiterate the point I wanted to I could go on with the rat-killing but I'll let it go for now:
    1.) Other than cleric/fs mana healing...there really isnt other useful healing for Tanks as Pots are too weak.
    2.) Certainly one may UMD better healing resources.
    3.) Certainly one may utilize other types of heal potions.
    4.) Certainly, if one wishes to lose Nine(9) Armor Class, 20% healing Amp, Elemental Absorbtion, may chose to not use Pots while holding the agro of Sully or Harry or any manner of end bosses.
    5.) Certainly, one could build a toon other than what I chose...and there may be reasons to take more or less levels of Pally or Monk or be a different race...and of course wearing useful equipment may help to stave off this senario:
    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Self sufficient isnt dropping 100hp heals on yourself. Its not doing this:

    I has con dmg! I has poison! I has chlamydia! OMG Im blind! I (insert class that can cast their own resists) needs a resist. OMG Ive had 20% of my hp missing for 20 seconds now you arent doing your job by keeping me at 100% with a fresh Aid buff on top of that! Even though I can use a CSW wand... Whats a potion vendor?

    I guess everyone has their definition of self sufficient thats mine.
    So I guess I will stick with my 600+hp, 75+AC, 35+ on all saves, 30% healing Amp, 70+ Intimidate, 35+ UMD, 25% Elemental absorbtions, Evasion, 34 Strength, 34 Constitution, 36 DR, All resists, All Immunities....
    and drink 30 point HP pots and LIKE IT
    Last edited by Guder; 09-30-2009 at 08:42 PM.
    Guderane Guderain Guderette Guderella
    Gods and Generals on Ghallanda.
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  12. #32
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guder View Post
    It's been a while since I was on this rant...but I remember being very bleary-eyed when I was typing it out.
    Reading back over my mixing up of what I was trying to say..I have to admit that my math looks strange but what I was trying to make the point of is that healing/supplies/strength vs resources is out of whack, IMO.

    However, since I read those that chose to respond to my very obvious 'Rant'...I would just like to say that I've never seen so many idiots line up to play with themselves.

    And this guy...O my lord:

    You're just a blathering Idiot..not the dictionary Picture of one perhaps, but one none the less.
    Have you ever been OUT of THE HARBOR? Do you HAVE ANY characters that are above level 6? Are YOU a Sept. Joined F2P?
    That's got to be have never run TOD, or VOD...or even noticed that I was on a rant about ELITE RUNs of THOSE Raids!
    It is hard to notice that you are ranting about 2 high level raids on Elite WHEN YOU DONT' SAY THAT!!!!! Try adding that in your discussion and you might actually make more sense. *thumbsup

    As for me ever being out of the harbor: You obviously have me pegged. Your assumptions are dead on. HAHAHAHA

    Quote Originally Posted by Guder View Post
    Though I do agree with you on his point...

    Especially since I obviously run raids with you all the time...and I so thank you for not being one of those BEGGER Cleric types.
    Man, don't we hate those clerics that whine when they are out of supplies to heal...'I need scrolls'..'I need pots'...
    I don't see the problem, other then the fact that you call me out as a blathering idiot. If I agree with a point you say you are trying to make, where again is your problem. Other then the obvious problem.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    It is hard to notice that you are ranting about 2 high level raids on Elite WHEN YOU DONT' SAY THAT!!!!! Try adding that in your discussion and you might actually make more sense. *thumbsup

    As for me ever being out of the harbor: You obviously have me pegged. Your assumptions are dead on. HAHAHAHA

    I don't see the problem, other then the fact that you call me out as a blathering idiot. If I agree with a point you say you are trying to make, where again is your problem. Other then the obvious problem.
    I'm sorry, friend..what part of this english do you need me to spell?
    Quote Originally Posted by Guder View Post
    The costs for Clerics in these high level quests and raids are staggering...and the reason is...what? greed?

    Better for DDO if a cleric has to buy 10 mana pots from the Store to complete an Elite run...along with using 200 HealScrolls? and maybe 100 Mass Cure Mod scrolls too?
    Guderane Guderain Guderette Guderella
    Gods and Generals on Ghallanda.
    No Shoes, No Shirt: No Service! Per the Health Dept., 'Please, direct your H1N1 Sneeze into your own elbow. Thank you!'

  14. #34
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guder View Post
    I'm sorry, friend..
    Hey Guder,

    The forums can be a very hostile place, as I learned back when I first started posting on them. Dont get involved in arguements like this, your a lot better than that. Just accept that every idea or post you put up will be shot at from every angle.......... thats just how it is. Different ppl, different views.

    Come on back to Ghalla where everybody knows your name................ and they're always glad you came.
    You wanna go where people know the troubles are all the same....... you wanna be where everybody knows your name.

    (avoid the drama, you dont need it)

    Only player I know that leaves and item for every cleric in EVERY chest, every quest.
    Last edited by captain1z; 09-30-2009 at 10:37 PM.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  15. #35
    Community Member Guder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    However....Every Quest in this game can be completed without using a single potion, scroll, wand or mana pot. Yes, it is possible! If you are a players that thinks resources must be used in each and every quest, then strategies need to be re-evaluated.
    answer deleted b/c it was my own vanity and Captain is right
    2nd Edit:
    BTW Captain, credit for cleric leavings should go to the Zap as he gave me the idea first and I just carry it through.
    Last edited by Guder; 09-30-2009 at 09:30 PM.
    Guderane Guderain Guderette Guderella
    Gods and Generals on Ghallanda.
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  16. #36
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Some classes are better at soloing than others. You have to consider that when building a toon. Self sufficiency goes well beyond carrying multiple 100 stacks of potions around. Evryone of my melee toons can either umd or cast their own wands (or scrolls). It's not that bad if you can alternate csw wand pot wand pot...

    Though I don't have the favor, I hear silver flame pots are quite good for the high hp ftr or barb.
    Last edited by krud; 09-30-2009 at 09:30 PM.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

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  17. #37
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guder View Post
    I'm sorry, friend..what part of this english do you need me to spell?
    Thx Guder. I did not see those 2 lines with in the entire wall of text. In any case, I stand by saying that if done correctly with a great strategy, no quest in this game requires resources.

    Don't let that comment think i dont' indulge in a Mana Pot or 20 once in a while. As for me never leaving the harbor, I was kidding. I've been around. I consume resourses and also have the ability to consume none.

    I also don't fly off the handles when other post opinions on subjects I bring to the forums. That is why you brought this subject to the forums, isn't it? To gather opinions and raise awareness on the topic. It wasn't to wait for replies and then defend them as if we were posting to attack you. That would be just silly.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Self sufficient isnt dropping 100hp heals on yourself. Its not doing this:

    I has con dmg! I has poison! I has chlamydia! OMG Im blind! I (insert class that can cast their own resists) needs a resist. OMG Ive had 20% of my hp missing for 20 seconds now you arent doing your job by keeping me at 100% with a fresh Aid buff on top of that! Even though I can use a CSW wand... Whats a potion vendor?

    I guess everyone has their definition of self sufficient thats mine.
    To the OP, that above quote is what majority allude to when talking about self sufficiency. Alternatively, if you join a group that doesnt have a healer in it, dont expect that someone else in the party is going to bust out a wand to heal your sorry ass because you couldnt be bothered bring pots. Thats what self sufficiency LFMs are about, about not being a lazy, greedy, inconsiderate asswad when joining a group.

    Every one of my chars can heal in one form or another. 2 x clerics, 1 x pally, 2 x rangers, 1 x rogue, 1 x sorc, 1 x bard, 1 x rogue/ranger/monk, 1 x fighter/ranger. Every single one of them can wand heal, most can scroll heal, some even have healing spells, including my rangers. All of them carry 300 csw pots, as well as pots for all ailments. My clerics carry at least 300 heal scrolls and 300 mcmw scrolls and any other class that can use them carry 100-200 of each. That is being self sufficient. If i cant use it, i give it to someone that can.

    As to overhealing, yep that does happen all to frequently and that is where you sort out the good clerics from the bad. I dont take donations on my clerics, its a personal thing, same as i dont shell out donations for most instances either. If its been a really rough quest and the casters (including bards and arcanes) have chewed through a bunch of gear, i reimburse, but if its just due to wastage, i dont.

    The self sufficiency is about those that continually ask for rem curse/blindness/disease/lesser restore for that 1 point of cha the fighter has lost, or various other inane things that can readily be bought. As i point out to most, you can buy a pot for that, and when they say, why should i use a pot when your cleric can do it for free, i respond with, well i guess thats one less heal you will get isnt it.

    Either learn the lesson or you are going to be in for very short thrift in groups im in on my healer.

  19. #39
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Back on topic..............

    As a dwarf fighter with over 600 hps and rising I think its well past time for us to have stronger healing options outside of a clerics SP. As it stands now I need to eat 2 rations in a tavern to heal up fully and drink about 50 pots in quest (assuming a cleric is not around).

    What I tend to do is walk around with 100 cure pots, at least 2 mana pots and offer to supplie some heal scrolls if I dont have any to give away. In lower level quest I'll buy wands for palis,clerics, rangers pretty much anyone who can and will use em. It gets expensive, no doubt, and I wish there was a cheaper alternative.

    Im sure the plan of battle must have some readily available form of super healing.

    - Very pricey, min level 17 heal pots, that heal 110 a pop (maybe they only stack in 5's)
    - a more powerful tasty ham that lets you regen 100 hp over time (or a potion)
    - Distilled extra potency cure serious pots that cure for twice the normal amount

    I mean this is another plane, they have got to have stuff that we dont to heal the natives from the constant wars they have. I would not say no to some new wonder of modern alchemy besides those attribute pots, which I feel are not really needed.
    Last edited by captain1z; 09-30-2009 at 10:03 PM.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  20. #40
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    Back on topic..............

    As a dwarf fighter with over 600 hps and rising I think its well past time for us to have stronger healing options outside of a clerics SP. As it stands now I need to eat 2 rations in a tavern to heal up fully and drink about 50 pots in quest (assuming a cleric is not around).

    What I tend to do is walk around with 100 cure pots, at least 2 mana pots and offer to supplie some heal scrolls if I dont have any to give away. In lower level quest I'll buy wands for palis,clerics, rangers pretty much anyone who can and will use em. It gets expensive, no doubt, and I wish there was a cheaper alternative.

    Im sure the plan of battle must have some readily available form of super healing.

    - Very pricey, min level 17 heal pots, that heal 110 a pop (maybe they only stack in 5's)
    - a more powerful tasty ham that lets you regen 100 hp over time (or a potion)
    - Distilled extra potency cure serious pots that cure for twice the normal amount

    I mean this is another plane, they have got to have stuff that we dont to heal the natives from the constant wars they have. I would not say no to some new wonder of modern alchemy besides those attribute pots, which I feel are not really needed.
    400 Silver Flame Favor Will solve the Heal Potion problem. You can purchase potions that do more then 110 a pop. And I think, they come in stacks of 10. (somoe will have to confirm that) Reach 400 silverflame favor, check em out.

    Note: They have a minor defect, but it doesn't last long, and they are still well worth it for those 600+ dwarf melee lvl 20 meatshields.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

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