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  1. #1
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    Default New Player Looking For a Solo Do-It-All

    Been around for about a week now getitng to know the game and been looking at some of the various builds.
    Played a Paladin to 3, Rogue/Fighter/Paladin to 1each, dabbled in Sorc and a few others to test a few things.
    The starter areas seem to be easy enough on almost every build but I was finding Stormreach a lot tougher, almost certainly I was too small but I do like exploring

    Basically, I am looking for a solo character to tide me over for 8-10 levels of so so I can learn the game, meet a few people, unlock 32 point i guess, then probably reroll a personalised toon to suit my playstyle.
    The one thing I am finding is it appears tough to 'do it all'.

    Could someone suggest something that would suit (in order of preference)
    1. Solo only/mainly
    2. Ability to unlock doors - I have to know whats behind it
    3. Surviving the fight to heal afterwards
    4. Self healing

    I have tried mace/shield, 2H fighting and 2W fighting and am open to all suggestions and ditto for races.
    28 point builds are obviously the only option currently.

    I appreciate that dabbling in everything means you will be a master of none, but this will suit the hours I can play and the 'stop and pickup later' if the kids/wife needs me to halt. This limits my group play options obviously, so i tend to have a group guy and a separate solo guy for if I have time or not.

  2. #2
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    a rogue/wizard would be good start lvl 1 rogue then go wizard pick up another level of rogue later to cap off skills and get evasion if you had warforged it would be really good as then you would have easy selfhealing.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeelzLPL View Post
    Could someone suggest something that would suit (in order of preference)
    1. Solo only/mainly
    2. Ability to unlock doors - I have to know whats behind it
    3. Surviving the fight to heal afterwards
    4. Self healing
    I would go Ranger X / Rogue 1 (Rogue first, rest Ranger).

    1. Good solo and group combo.
    2. Rogue 1 should be able to get all traps and locks (if max Search).
    3. Kite then TWF (can S&B if req).
    4. Can use healing wands at Ranger 1 (buy in tent in Marketplace)

    Make sure you have a good Con and dump Wis and Chr (items count for min Wis to cast spells). I would go Str over Dex (and concerntrate on TWF) but ranged can get by with 13 Str (for PA) and Finesse.

    Paladin is also good but won't get you thru those locked doors.

    Bard is also a good solo character (rpt xbow for ranged or WarChanter) and may be able to Knock scroll/wand locked doors.
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  4. #4
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Default Warforged 28 Point Solo Builds

    Go for a Warforged arcane caster (either Wizard or Sorcerer). There is no better soloing build in the game. The wizard/rogue is a sturdier build than the pure sorcerer and you get to disable traps, but the pure sorcerer can throw out more spells before running out of resources. (I recommend Wizard before Sorcerer so you can try out new spells easier.)

    If you go Wizard:
    Start out as a Rogue (level 1) and then Multiclass to Wizard (levels 2+). For your 9th level, take another rogue level. Levels 10+ should all be Wizard (Final build: Wizard18/rogue2).

    Abilities: Str 10, dex 8, con 18, int 18, wis 6, cha 6 (28 pts. Put all level-ups into Int.)
    Skills to keep at max ranks: Disable Device, Search, Open Lock, Use Magic Device, Concentration, Balance. (In that order.)

    Level1: Insightful Reflexes
    Level2: Mental Toughness
    Level3: Extend Spell
    Level6: Maximize Spell, Improved Mental Toughness
    Level9: Empower Spell
    Level12:Quicken Spell, Spell Pen
    Level15:Greater Spell Pen
    Level17: (Whatever you feel like. You'll have the hang of your char by this point.)
    Level18: (Whatever you feel like)

    Your first level will be brutal, since you will have 0 offensive ability and 0 ability to self-heal, but your levels after that will be ridiculously easy (just spam Flaming Sphere scrolls to insta-win any level 1-7 quests). Once you get Wall of Fire, you can spam it blindly until level 15+ content, where you just use Finger of Death on everything. Oh, and you get to disable all the traps, and pick all the locks.

    If you go Sorcerer:
    Stats: Str 8, dex 8, con 18, int 10, wis 6, cha 16
    Skills to keep at max ranks: Concentration, Use Magic Device
    Level1: Maximize Spell
    Level3: Empower Spell
    Level6: Extend Spell
    Level9: Spell Pen
    Level12: Quicken Spell
    Level15: Force of Personality
    Level18: Greater Spell Pen

    Strategy: Same as Wizard/Rogue build, except you have some offense at level 1 but cannot disable traps. You can take Knock (level 2 spell) to pick locks instead of taking the skill.
    Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 09-18-2009 at 03:51 AM.

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  5. #5
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    Thx for the advice guys.
    More builds to try out this weekend it seems

  6. #6
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    Wizard/rogue seems redundant to me... as a wizard can 'knock' open doors and detect secret doors with spells. I am playing a warforged monk/wizard right now. Which seems to fit all your criteria, except you won't be able to open locked doors until you get your 3rd level of wizard.

  7. #7
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    Default Solo build


    I have played to level 7 so far almost all solo. The character is a halfling fighter(2)/paladin(3)/rogue(2) with the dragonmark of healing. I've run some level 9 quests on normal and some level 4/5 quests up to Elite. Key stats are dexterity and charisma and he has the feats Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise and Force of Personality as well as the Least and Lesser healing dragon marks.

    Why did I go with a build like this? I found casters in dungeons when running solo to be a major problem. I tried out an elven ranger/rogue, a paladin and a couple of other options but when they failed a save at the wrong time they died. So I built a character that wouldn't fail saves and was good at melee. At level 7, with equipment, his saves are Fort +18, reflex +23, will +17. Most saves the character only fails on a 1.

    The healing dragon mark (with enhancements) at level 7 gives 4 cure serious and 6 cure lights that can be cast anytime. He also has 2 uses of lay on hands. At level 9 the character can get the greater dragonmark which will allow the character to cast heals in addition to these. In addition, the paladin levels allow the character to use divine wands (like cure serious, lesser restoration, stat buffs ...).

    He has kept the skills Use Magic Device, Open Locks, Disable Device, and Search pretty much maxed - level 8 will be rogue and will top up the rogue skills again. After that the character can go in a number of directions 2F/9P/9R, 14F/3P/3R, 2F/3P/15R ... depending on what sort of character you want in the end.

    This character has worked very well for low level soloing. However, my understanding is that at high level you may want either a Wiz, Sorc or Cleric for soloing. Basically, you cast an AoE damage spell like wall of fire or blade barrier and then kite the mobs through it until they die. Rinse and repeat. Just don't fail any saving throws

  8. #8
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    I would go Ranger X / Rogue 1 (Rogue first, rest Ranger).

    1. Good solo and group combo.
    2. Rogue 1 should be able to get all traps and locks (if max Search).
    3. Kite then TWF (can S&B if req).
    4. Can use healing wands at Ranger 1 (buy in tent in Marketplace)

    Make sure you have a good Con and dump Wis and Chr (items count for min Wis to cast spells). I would go Str over Dex (and concerntrate on TWF) but ranged can get by with 13 Str (for PA) and Finesse.

    Paladin is also good but won't get you thru those locked doors.

    Bard is also a good solo character (rpt xbow for ranged or WarChanter) and may be able to Knock scroll/wand locked doors.

    There's a RgrX/Rog1 build I posted in Aranticus's thread 'Builds for New Players'. It's stickied to the top of the New Players Advice board.
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