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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Help for the active combat system

    To improve the active combat and to give players different animations from the start the number of attacks and the attack speed should be the same from BAB 1 to 20. A player should perform the four different attack animations in the same order with an attack speed of perhaps 1 attack / 2 seconds (ranged), 1 attack / 1.5 seconds (one handed and two handed) or 1 attack / 1 second (two weapon fighting and unarmed).

    The damage of main hand and off-hand attacks is increased at BAB 5, 10, 15 and 20 by the base damage of the weapon. For example a dagger would have a damage of 4D4 at BAB 18 (1D4 base + 1D4 at BAB 5 + 1D4 at BAB 10 + 1D4 at BAB 15).

    Two weapon fighting feats should reduce the attack penalty (Without Two Weapon Fighting: -10, Two Weapon Fighting: -4, Improved Two Weapon Fighting: -2 and Greater Two Weapon Fighting: +0). Power attack should have a -2 attack penalty and should increase the damage by BAB x 0.5 (one handed weapons) or BAB x 0.75 (two handed weapons). Rapid shot should increase the attack speed of ranged weapons to 1 attack / 1.5 seconds.

    These changes could improve the active combat of DDO, could reduce the need of inflated monster AC / HP and could make grazing hits useful at high levels.
    Last edited by Mjesko; 09-18-2009 at 09:51 AM.

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