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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Unhappy Cant download the game

    Please any help would be appreciated.. I'm having serious problems trying to download this game.

    I was using the Turbine download manager but the download mysteriously restarts itself. The strange thing is that when it tries to continue the download nothing ever happens, it says how fast it's downloading at the bottom right, but nothing is happening. It's back at the "character generation" download part when I was already 2gb into the official game download. I tried and cant figure out how to get it to continue from where it left off. I already have a folder that has more than half of the game downloaded, but he TDM wont continue the download. Getting 2 GB in on a download, and having it restart on dialup internet is extremely frustrating.
    Is there any possible way I can download this in my own download manager, or bit torrent
    or even buy the game and just play it?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    i'm having a similar problem i used the tiered download and it got as far as the first island and quit its quite frustrating with a slow internet conection i hope some one knows a way to fix it. otherwize i'll never get off the first island

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Okay... new question, if I buy the game, will it be the right version to play or will it update? Or do you have to download it?

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