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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default A Few Questions About Dungeon Scaling

    Does anybody know exactly how dungeon scaling works, specifically:

    1) If the dungeon gets harder the more people who are participating, do you also get more XP for it?
    2) When is it determined how difficult the dungeon will be? IE: I'm in a full party that have been standing around yapping for an hour and I decide to quickly run a quest solo without leaving the group. Is that quest now scaled to maximum difficulty because I happen to be in a full group even though not a single person will be participating (Or if I'm just in a group to voice chat with my friends)? If that's the case, what if I enter a dungeon solo, and then invite 5 other people while I'm already in there...Does the scaling work in real time and suddenly things get more difficult because more people are now in?
    3) Is the scaling based on levels or purely on the number of participants? Will 6 level 10's going into a lvl 10 quest be the same difficulty as 1 level 10 and 5 level 8's going into that same quest? What about 6 level 8's going into that lvl 10 quest?

    Any info on this would be much appreciated. I've noticed that the optional XP in quests is well worth it these days, and wasn't sure if that was due to dungeon scaling or they just increased the optional XP in general -- Or if the XP is much higher because I happened to be in a full group at the time of noticing it.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheShado View Post
    Does anybody know exactly how dungeon scaling works, specifically:

    1) If the dungeon gets harder the more people who are participating, do you also get more XP for it?
    Its a Dynamic system. As more people enter the quest, the mobs get harder.
    XP does not change.
    2) When is it determined how difficult the dungeon will be? IE: I'm in a full party that have been standing around yapping for an hour and I decide to quickly run a quest solo without leaving the group. Is that quest now scaled to maximum difficulty because I happen to be in a full group even though not a single person will be participating (Or if I'm just in a group to voice chat with my friends)? If that's the case, what if I enter a dungeon solo, and then invite 5 other people while I'm already in there...Does the scaling work in real time and suddenly things get more difficult because more people are now in?
    Seems to only be effected by people in the Instance. DOesnt matter how big your party actually is.

    3) Is the scaling based on levels or purely on the number of participants? Will 6 level 10's going into a lvl 10 quest be the same difficulty as 1 level 10 and 5 level 8's going into that same quest? What about 6 level 8's going into that lvl 10 quest?
    Dont know for sure, but seems different when I brng a ranger into a dungeon solo than if I bring My Wizard.

    Any info on this would be much appreciated. I've noticed that the optional XP in quests is well worth it these days, and wasn't sure if that was due to dungeon scaling or they just increased the optional XP in general -- Or if the XP is much higher because I happened to be in a full group at the time of noticing it.

    Optional XP has just gotten a nice bump.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

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