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  1. #61
    Community Member Thorzian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    Remember, THF gets glancing blows against a single target as well as multiples. The added benefits of multiple glancing blows could... "could"... actually be greater than the one extra swing every 4.

    However, the real kicker is the fact that TWF benefits from most buffs twice as much as THF. The fact that bard buffs, divine favor, prayer, and most other straight damage enhancements give a double bonus to TWF is what pulls it firmly away in this game.

    When comparing unbuffed, vanilla fighters, THF is pretty darn good. It's just that that's not typically the standard in raids.
    divine favor is a party buff all of a sudden? the bard buffs average out to 7 damage per swing. power attack favors 2ht by 5. so 2wf is up by 2 so far. base weapon damage favors the 2hf, especially when crits are considered with the power attack. the game is becoming very balanced and i honestly couldnt favor one style over another yet. i have a couple of each type that were capped before the mod and so far none of them have ht 20 yet.

    if i were to guess, i would say the big dog dps wise (im talking about actual game play dps, not some formulated hit a brick wall for 10 minutes calculated dps) will be the 2wf frenzied berserker. a heavy pick/dwa/khopesh user will see some wicked numbers.

    not to take away from tempest builds. the ravager does very good damage, as will the 12-6-2 kensai/tempest/other (monk or rogue) but rogue builds are dependant on not having aggro, and pre's are geared towards the 3rd level. a splash of 6 ranger levels will weaken the build, waste feats and cost capstones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    We should make our feedback as honest as possible so that when it is absolutely ignored by Turbine we will get bonus points on the scoreboard of life.

  2. #62
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorzian View Post
    divine favor is a party buff all of a sudden? the bard buffs average out to 7 damage per swing. power attack favors 2ht by 5. so 2wf is up by 2 so far. base weapon damage favors the 2hf, especially when crits are considered with the power attack. the game is becoming very balanced and i honestly couldnt favor one style over another yet. i have a couple of each type that were capped before the mod and so far none of them have ht 20 yet.

    if i were to guess, i would say the big dog dps wise (im talking about actual game play dps, not some formulated hit a brick wall for 10 minutes calculated dps) will be the 2wf frenzied berserker. a heavy pick/dwa/khopesh user will see some wicked numbers.

    not to take away from tempest builds. the ravager does very good damage, as will the 12-6-2 kensai/tempest/other (monk or rogue) but rogue builds are dependant on not having aggro, and pre's are geared towards the 3rd level. a splash of 6 ranger levels will weaken the build, waste feats and cost capstones.
    Power attack favors TWF. So try again.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    Power attack favors TWF. So try again.
    How? THF gets the same bonus, plus glancing blow damage. I'd say that skews it to THF.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Thorzian View Post
    divine favor is a party buff all of a sudden?

    no. but you can get divine favor clickies

    the bard buffs average out to 7 damage per swing. power attack favors 2ht by 5. so 2wf is up by 2 so far. base weapon damage favors the 2hf, especially when crits are considered with the power attack.

    1. look at attack rates. with the rate being changed, 1 thf attack = 1 twf main + 1 twff off hand attack

    2. look at str based bonuses. a 20 str equivalent buff to thf = +15 damage. the same buff to twf = +10 to main, + 5 to off = +15 total

    3. look at other base weapon bonuses. a +10 damage to will net a thf +10 damage, a twf +10 to main and off = +20

    4. look at PA. thf gains +10, twf gains +5 main and +5 off = +10 total

    simply looking at this the net gain with the same bonuses applied for thf = +35, twf = +45

    the game is becoming very balanced and i honestly couldnt favor one style over another yet. i have a couple of each type that were capped before the mod and so far none of them have ht 20 yet.

    if i were to guess, i would say the big dog dps wise (im talking about actual game play dps, not some formulated hit a brick wall for 10 minutes calculated dps) will be the 2wf frenzied berserker. a heavy pick/dwa/khopesh user will see some wicked numbers.

    not to take away from tempest builds. the ravager does very good damage, as will the 12-6-2 kensai/tempest/other (monk or rogue) but rogue builds are dependant on not having aggro, and pre's are geared towards the 3rd level. a splash of 6 ranger levels will weaken the build, waste feats and cost capstones.
    game play dps is unimportant unless ddo decides to have non brick wall bosses
    If you want to know why...

  5. #65
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawstCawz View Post
    How? THF gets the same bonus, plus glancing blow damage. I'd say that skews it to THF.
    TWF get 9 attacks per 4 animations.

    THF get 4 attacks per 4 animations at double damage.

    That means TWF gets more or less a 12.5% increase in power attack damage than THF. But yes, as you pointed out (like I did 2 pages earlier) the increase in glancing blow damage lowers it somewhat... but not 12.5%.

    Either way... the point I was refuting, that bard songs giving TWF +7, and power attack giving THF +5.... that point is completely ridiculous.

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