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divine favor is a party buff all of a sudden?
no. but you can get divine favor clickies
the bard buffs average out to 7 damage per swing. power attack favors 2ht by 5. so 2wf is up by 2 so far. base weapon damage favors the 2hf, especially when crits are considered with the power attack.
1. look at attack rates. with the rate being changed, 1 thf attack = 1 twf main + 1 twff off hand attack
2. look at str based bonuses. a 20 str equivalent buff to thf = +15 damage. the same buff to twf = +10 to main, + 5 to off = +15 total
3. look at other base weapon bonuses. a +10 damage to will net a thf +10 damage, a twf +10 to main and off = +20
4. look at PA. thf gains +10, twf gains +5 main and +5 off = +10 total
simply looking at this the net gain with the same bonuses applied for thf = +35, twf = +45
the game is becoming very balanced and i honestly couldnt favor one style over another yet. i have a couple of each type that were capped before the mod and so far none of them have ht 20 yet.
if i were to guess, i would say the big dog dps wise (im talking about actual game play dps, not some formulated hit a brick wall for 10 minutes calculated dps) will be the 2wf frenzied berserker. a heavy pick/dwa/khopesh user will see some wicked numbers.
not to take away from tempest builds. the ravager does very good damage, as will the 12-6-2 kensai/tempest/other (monk or rogue) but rogue builds are dependant on not having aggro, and pre's are geared towards the 3rd level. a splash of 6 ranger levels will weaken the build, waste feats and cost capstones.