2. Rage animation time varies greatly depending on race and weapon style - and if interrupted will not activate, but will start a cooldown and waste a use.
This is really not acceptable as the PnP version doesn't have some way to interupt it, and it doesn't seem intended. Also there is no reason for the ability to have a 1 minuit cooldown - being you may not use it again while raged anyways, no cooldown is nessasary at all, its just an arbitrary artificial penalty we get for no reason.
Things that can interupt rage, wasting a charge and starting an unnessasry cooldown:
Pressing the movement keys after starting the animation.. Very common one that makes no sense.
Getting tripped... Melee, cometfall or otherwise.
Grabbing a ledge
Getting CC'd in any way really, hold, stone, etc.
Also how likely you are to get interupted depends on your race and weapon style.. Doesn't make much sense that a sturdy dwarf is more likely to be interupted by a trip then any other race.