Originally Posted by
I think you're just about the biggest troll I've ever met.
I dunno, I he seems nice. I can think of worse Troll baits.
I don't post very often, I mostly just lurk - but every single post I've seen with the slightest mention of PvP, you post about how much you hate it, and spout the usual rhetoric that it's a waste of the dev's time. We get it. You haven't added anything new to the discussion that I've seen since I quit the game last time, about a year or two ago. I'm surprised you didn't post two or three times in a row for emphasis as usual. Lithic's bad as well, but not nearly as much as yourself.
They've been using that time valuably, haven't they? The last patch managed to break more things than it fixed. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're trying to address these issues - attack speed and mouselook warping were both significant problems which needed to be attended to. Whether they've had a cut in funding, they're understaffed due to layoffs, or there's simply too much internal bickering is irrelevant, however - the few issues which they seem to address aren't being done so timely, or adequately.
I agree there are a lot of things which need to be fixed before PvP:
-The scaling system needs to be fixed as soon as humanly possible so newer players aren't forced to solo/duo YES. They need to team up. Then again, a chorus of "I hate DDO" can be heard too.
-The favor system needs to be reevaluated, in particular the 1750 reward I disagree. But that is neither here or there.
-Ranged needs to be revamped to be more synergistic or at least compatabile with other combat styles yup.
-The latest issues from the last patch need to be fixed immediately to retain new customer faith yes
-The economy could use an overhaul to allow for newer players to operate on a level that isn't completely inadequate for many veterans (primarily regarding the cost of consumables) and reduce the massive inflation I dunno about that. THat's another thread, though.
-Many of the new items need to be fixed so they stack with current gear, several skills could be implemented better
mostly agree
-The store needs another look at to be less deceptive/discouraging for newer players (+1 items? Really?) YES
-Many class/gear bugs still need to be addressed yes.
ANd adding the Atari vs Turbine needs to be cleared up also.
That's the approximate order I'd address things in, with PvP coming in at the bottom -
bugs and actively discouraging "features" are a critical issue right now, as DDO is being introduced to so many new players right now and needs to make a good impression. As well, they need to continue with standard development for quests/features, if only as a good faith gesture for the old and new player base.
...making you intelligent, unlike most supporters of PvP. Turbine has a problem keeping release dates. Until that is done, I expect nothing "extra" should be added. And PvP is extra.
PvP comes after all that - frankly, I'd like it to come before a few of those things, but it's more important that the game is successful than I enjoy it individually, as long as it comes eventually. They're definitely doing some things right - I think the current VIP/Prem/F2P system is a great move, and some of the smaller changes we've seen (such as the actual spell descriptions included for charge items/scrolls, map improvements, NPC movements, etc) are much bigger than they seem - I'm very, very glad to see that kind of stuff, as it makes it easier for people to get into the game. It just seems like either there isn't enough development staff, or the leadership is fractured and indecisive.
still with ya.
The solution?
I'd say if anything, they should hire some of the more research/data oriented forum personalities, such as Borr0 and Impaqt, and have those individuals work as a temporary think-tank to prioritize and address the current outstanding issues for DDO, and then follow through to fix those issues. Some of the things we see released look as if they weren't even playtested, yet they have players who test and study these releases to the point that they become practical walking lexicons of technical game data - and those players are already doing that for free. They could probably even pay them in raid loot or special hats ingame or something.
BOrror0 wants a pony, a French Canadian one... J/k, but non-gimp Pallys would make him happy. And a Hug. Impaqt wants clerical stuff, as do I.
Now that we've got all that out of the way, I'll say it plainly - please, just stop posting in PvP threads. You've made it clear you don't like it.
Neither do I. But I post cuz there are idiots who want PvP who don't need to HAVE pvp. THey would abuse it. If everyone thought like you who likes PvP, I'd say, "sure, I'd try it" but alas, morons exist, and most are camped out on your side of the house. Sorry.
I don't like a lot of things they spend time on either - I don't like the capstone concept, I don't like quite a few of the PrE's, I don't like time spent on graphical changes/updates, and I don't like all the focus we see spent on the fanart/poster contests. I dislike favored souls, the crafting system, and stupid PR junk such as "Talk Like a Pirate Day" - and I'll throw puppies and kittens in there too just to seem intimidating.
I disagree with you on most of that. BUt it is your opinion.
However, I understand that some people enjoy those things, so I let them have fun. It's an MMORPG, not a single player game - development considerations extend far beyond the individual, especially if they're looking to expand to new players.
Tell that to the PvPers that all they talk about is pwning noobs. As it has been said before, many of us FLED other MMOs because of the importance of PvP on those other games.
Myself and others have been more than accommodating in providing reasonable suggestions for PvP implementation so that it would never interfere or dominate questing, or even be noticed if you weren't interested. You've responded worse than a surly dwarf.