I've been reading everything I can on BC's and have posted in the newb forums with a lot of good information and feedback. The problem I am having is with stats at the beginning of creation. I want to go human and I want to melee well and heal ok - this is going to be a solo toon or maybe duo thats it. just want to buff myself to greatness and melee mobs down but have the spells to back me up when needed. I came here becuase newbie forums say i would get better help from clerics themselves on the cleric forums. When looking over what I want to do with my 28 points (im very new) I kinda get torn with what i want higher than others.
kinda looking at this atm:
seems to me that dex gets me every time. i want to go 12 for +1 but most builds i look at do not have dex at all. same with chr but i took 2 points into it in first build. i would go maybe 15 into one but is that even worth it? odd numbers at the start?
other things would be starting feats. I want toughness and im not sure what to get as my second feat for being human. only thing i can land on is extend spell but really that wont help till later - i just want something to help solo the lowbie lvls for now. Im planning on being solo 95% of my play time and in a duo or trio the rest. Just all the info I got was confusing me a little. too much at one time sort of thing.
Now im really thinking of going fighter for 1 lvl cause i want a tower shield and i want to be able to use martial weapons if i want without using a feat slot for them. but how to do this kinda eludes me - i start cleric at 1 then at lvl 2 go fighter till 3 then change back to cleric? and do i train anything in fighter? or save my points for cleric when i switch back? i just go fighter then back to cleric without doing anything else and i get fighter abilities >.>; ?
sory for so long and so much in one post but ive been trying to get this BC right for a few days now. and im ready to kill stuff and get my favorso please let me know what you think? thank you!! ^.^