I am going to put arcane melee (ex. 16 sorc 2 monk 2 paladin or 11 wiz 6 ranger 3 rogue or 12 sorc 6 pally 2 monk or 12 wiz 7 rogue 1 monk) to task to really justify their existance. I like the concept of an arcane melee build in regards to pnp and the idea intrigues me in DDO, but the math is so stringently against the creation of an arcane melee. This is a question of with the increases for all other melee in dps and other utility terms in mod 9 and no really improvements for the arcane melee why should an arcane melee ever be brought along on raid? Do they really add anything in the group concept especially with 11 other players?
Their cc, insta kills spells can not land, other arcanes can pick up reconstruct and repair warforged without issue, and they do about 50& of the dps of a melee. If a raid already has a bard (buffing) and another arcane (cc, instakills and buffing), and melee that dps things that do the real work why should a raid leader add a battle arcane? Perhaps it is time to put those battle arcanes into hibernation until mod 10 for hopefully a battle caster prestige enhancement. I altered my battle bard to become more of a healer because quite frankly healing is bards strongest feature at the moment, but I hear nothing from the battle arcanes since their dps does less % wise to other melee what are they doing to meet the new challenges.