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  1. #21
    Hero Gawna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babygirl View Post
    Good for you, who ****in cares

    I think it's more embarassing to be playing a monk AND running desert quests!
    Awnoo . Mayonnaise . Cellebrian . Gawnaball . Gawna . Gawnaderp .
    Gawnasorc . Mamadapolis . Gawnahjeal . Winnar .
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    Gawno is excrement; Gawna is excellent.

  2. #22
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post

    I think it's more embarassing to be playing a monk AND running desert quests!
    Or the leader to PUG, not one, but TWO monks.

    And I don't think theres any winner here, just losers. Re-roll.
    Officer of Disciples of the Apocalypse on Sarlona
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  3. #23
    Community Member babygirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post

    I think it's more embarassing to be playing a monk AND running desert quests!
    This guy needs to just shut it, let ppl think what they want about themselves, it makes him look like more of a dumba$$ coming on here complaining about it...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by eonfreon View Post
    You joined someone's LFM before anyone else. Didn't you have to wait for the rest of the group anyway?

    So you got tired of waiting next to a chest in a cleared area and decided it was more worth your while to stand next to a quest entrance in a cleared area?

    I'm afraid I don't understand the moral of this story.
    Run was advertised as a speed run for flagging, meaning (at least on Khyber) that if you're able, you start the quest as soon as you arrive. So my choices were to either stand around for 15 minutes, waiting everyone to join and get out there so I could pop the chests I earned, or go in the quest and - you know, play the game.

    There's courtesy, then there's going overboard. Waiting for people who haven't even joined yet to pop an outdoor explorer chest? That's overboard.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yurtrus View Post
    /disagree. I am usually the one killing everything to clear the chests.. I will wait for my guildies or others that are about to come into the explorer area to do the quest with me ( thank you ) and show my appreciation for joining the group. Are you in that big a rush that you can wait a few minutes.. go to the loo, get some water, drink a beer or chat it up until they arrive.

    You are going to have to wait for them to start the quest anyhow.. or do you show your appreciation by standing in the quest and making them lose 50% for late arrival? Nice guy you are.. thanks for the heads up..
    Quote Originally Posted by Yurtrus View Post
    That's two names now that I have to remember when it comes to questing.. I am not here to save time on my commute.. I am here to play the game and be sociable as I have been for 4 years. People like you sicken me. Your play style, attitude, and social skills are garbage. You weren't there to help so you deserve nothing.. I would have been there if you would have waited. So it's my fault ( input anyone's name here ) that you are in such a rush that I lose out on a chest that might have a tome in it cause you are in a hurry? Does your brain actually function properly or do you think you really are making a point here?

    Don't be in such a rush to get through life.. the end comes soon enough..
    Great example of what happens when you assume.

    As mentioned in the previous post, it was a speed flagging run.

    Edit: I highly encourage you to add my characters to your list, though I doubt it will do much good over on Ghallanda... nice troll.
    Last edited by Strakeln; 09-16-2009 at 02:19 PM.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    There's courtesy, then there's going overboard. Waiting for people who haven't even joined yet to pop an outdoor explorer chest? That's overboard.
    My thoughts exactly.
    Git off mah lawn!

    If, If's and But's was Candies and Nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

  7. #27
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    To the OP, insofar as review is, it is not a "true" reflection of that persons build but rather what they were equiped, using at the time of log, so dont be fooled by the numbers.

    To all the other peeps.

    #1. its a game and in the end, when you log off, no one cares if your the best player out there killin stuff, thinking your da' man, or da' woman because in RL your nothing to us unless your a RL friend so why have a tude or think your better. I bet I can kick all your arses in the Arcade game Tempest, but who cares right? Apply the same logic!

    #2 insofar as looting chest in slayer and quests, I play it down the middle and based upon current party members. If its a pug zerg, then its first come first serve in my books. If i'm leading, its looted if your currently in group. If im in a pug social scene, its a dash of wait before i loot. And if its friends or guildies, I wait as long as it takes.

    But in the end, does it effin matter? I mean really. In most cases I would agree with strak insofar as waiting on a guy who should be at least "running" towards the instance then gabbing at a bar, but hey, like i said, I choose a procedure based upon the evidence.

    In Straks statement, this so called guy was not "playing" the game but was gabbing, I would have waited a few minutes, but I would have also said, "hey, sorry guys, but could you get to the slayer area so I can open this chest" 9/10 times that usually provokes a positive response rather then a negative one and it gets me moving faster WHILE keeping people happy. If they chose to ignore me, then its a sign iof disrespect and as such keep the motto, "turn about is fair play"


  8. #28
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Run was advertised as a speed run for flagging, meaning (at least on Khyber) that if you're able, you start the quest as soon as you arrive. So my choices were to either stand around for 15 minutes, waiting everyone to join and get out there so I could pop the chests I earned, or go in the quest and - you know, play the game.

    There's courtesy, then there's going overboard. Waiting for people who haven't even joined yet to pop an outdoor explorer chest? That's overboard.
    Ah, advertised as a speed run. Gotcha. That's the missing piece. It didn't sound right. I should've realized you would have only joined an LFM advertised as a speed run or made your own group.
    The slow nature of the group forming up, as you described in your earlier post, is what confused me.
    Sounded like anything but a speed run. LOL.

  9. #29
    Community Member Ilundel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yurtrus View Post
    That's two names now that I have to remember when it comes to questing.. I am not here to save time on my commute.. I am here to play the game and be sociable as I have been for 4 years. People like you sicken me. Your play style, attitude, and social skills are garbage. You weren't there to help so you deserve nothing.. I would have been there if you would have waited. So it's my fault ( input anyone's name here ) that you are in such a rush that I lose out on a chest that might have a tome in it cause you are in a hurry? Does your brain actually function properly or do you think you really are making a point here?

    Don't be in such a rush to get through life.. the end comes soon enough..
    I am in no hurry to get to the end. But I do want to make sure that I do not spend half my life waiting on people. If I do things my pace and expect others to do the same. You feel you somehow can impose your rythmn to me and that the second you join my group, that entitles you to force me to play your way. How is your attitude so much "holier then thou". I do not wish to force you to play my way (you can drop my group if you don't want to play that way), but i definitely will not accept that you force your playstyle on me. Everyone is entitled to enjoy the game the way they want to, for me it is all about playing and questing, I don't enjoy sitting around doing nothing.

    I'm not seeing how you are "losing" a chest if I am in the quest clearing, saving the rest of the group 5 minutes on a completion which takes usually 20 minutes, thus making your time vs loot vs xp 25% more efficient and that you can use that return to take 5 minutes to actually run out of a fresh outdoor area to actually get another chest. It wouldn't make much sense for me to loot a chest and head to the quest entrance if I was planning on waiting inside the quest and not clear now would it? If I make a concious decision to loot it, it's because I wish to start clearing the quest because I am either bored or limited on time, probably the later. The fact that you did nothing to get the chest really doesn't entitle you to decide if I can or cannot loot it. You've put 0 effort into it so by me looting it, you do not loose a chest. All that robs you is a free gift. Last time I checked, the person who gives the gift actually decides if they do want to give one.

    If my playstyle doesn't fit with yours and that makes you angry for some reason, then feel free to talk about it with a psychiatrist or your wife or something, but please don't insult me, my intelligence or my social skills, you know absolutely nothing of me. If you feel like insulting me is a valid way to put your point across, you probably should think twice about insulting someone else's social skills.
    Last edited by Ilundel; 09-16-2009 at 03:03 PM.

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  10. #30
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    I pretty much concur with Strakeln and Yajerman01... however chances I would have waited on the DC'd since they were bloodstone chests ... more then likely since on a monk, run over to the greaves chest cleared and looted it and back while they reconnected. on a serious note though... I clear a chest I'll tell you, be you want it? Speak up and get your arse moving or am looting it and moving on.

    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
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  11. #31
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    I pretty much concur with Strakeln and Yajerman01
    Your concurring with? . SO what meds are you on? lol j/k

    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    I clear a chest I'll tell you, be you want it? Speak up and get your arse moving or am looting it and moving on.
    Aye that, you usually ask where we are at and/or do you want the chest?

    And my reply if im far away or busy buying stuff is "go ahead or im good"

    Hey, anyone wanna take through New invasion yet, i have yet to pug a group that completes it, im calling in guild backup support! whoot!

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by eonfreon View Post
    Ah, advertised as a speed run. Gotcha. That's the missing piece. It didn't sound right. I should've realized you would have only joined an LFM advertised as a speed run or made your own group.
    The slow nature of the group forming up, as you described in your earlier post, is what confused me.
    Sounded like anything but a speed run. LOL.
    I will admit that while the LFM said speed run/flagging (or something like that), the group did not behave like a speed run group (you mentioned one example, slow forming - not normal for speed runs).

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    however chances I would have waited on the DC'd since they were bloodstone chests ...
    Yeah, I think this is where my example fails. The chests I was talking about had nothing better than a few Draconic Runes in 'em... a chest with a shot at a named item may be different.

    I say "may" because I'm on the fence regarding the bloodstone. It's a ridiculously easy chest to farm, it seems to pop 90% of the time, etc etc. It's not like it's a raid chest or a hard-to-access chest with named loot in it... but still, a chance at a bloodstone is a chance at a bloodstone.

    For a clearly important chest (ex: raid chest), I'll wait for quite a while. Also, I'm much more willing to wait for DCs than I am for slow-asses.

  14. #34
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Also, I'm much more willing to wait for DCs than I am for slow-asses.
    but, but, but, I was drunk and i didnt have haste or my striders on and the **** trog casted a slow spell on me, and, and, and....hmmm, i'll try to think of more

  15. #35
    Community Member babygirl's Avatar
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    You lose!

  16. #36
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Run was advertised as a speed run for flagging, meaning (at least on Khyber) that if you're able, you start the quest as soon as you arrive. So my choices were to either stand around for 15 minutes, waiting everyone to join and get out there so I could pop the chests I earned, or go in the quest and - you know, play the game.

    There's courtesy, then there's going overboard. Waiting for people who haven't even joined yet to pop an outdoor explorer chest? That's overboard.
    Agreed. I'm all about being courteous. However, oftentimes it is taken to a ridiculous extreme by people that have no respect for other peoples' time. I don't think there is any chest in the game I would wait more than five minutes for nor would I expect any different.

    Every five minutes you cause a raid to wait is an hour of human life you have just wasted.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yajerman01 View Post
    but, but, but, I was drunk
    No bearing. Try drinking and driving, it speeds you up!
    Quote Originally Posted by Yajerman01 View Post
    and i didnt have haste
    Inexcusable. It's like American Express... you simply don't leave home without it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yajerman01 View Post
    or my striders on
    See previous response.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yajerman01 View Post
    and the **** trog casted a slow spell on me
    Solved by haste. See response previous to previous response.

  18. #38
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    Well as a pro elitist jerk.
    This is what I think. You all noobed it up pretty hard. L2P! lol
    Moving on... cause I don't post enough

  19. #39
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    No bearing. Try drinking and driving, it speeds you up!

    Inexcusable. It's like American Express... you simply don't leave home without it.

    See previous response.

    Solved by haste. See response previous to previous response.
    Be indeed brings me to rebuttal these claims of the zurging lunatic as being inconsiderate... being so I love to zurge with others zurging so called lunatics as myself, then are times I do crawl – typically with those who crawl...

    Why? Well because I am being considerate, less those little worms crawling 'bout hardly ever if return such favor and zurge along with me. Why be it I am to be thoughtful, slow down waste my buff timers, time to gain more loot, more xp yet be considered selfish should I move like the wind... while those who would view me as such waddle 'long? ... They themselves are inconsiderate of how I wish to play.

    Remember three buffs required "rage haste and RAGE!" haste be the chequered flag and all others icying on the cake.
    Last edited by Emili; 09-16-2009 at 06:07 PM.
    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
    Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour

  20. #40
    Hero Gawna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post

    Be indeed brings me to rebuttal these claims of the zurging lunatic as being inconsiderate... being so I love to zurge with others zurging so called lunatics as myself, then are times I do crawl – typically with those who crawl...

    Why? Well because I am being considerate, less those little worms crawling 'bout hardly ever if return such favor and zurge along with me. Why be it I am to be thoughtful, slow down waste my buff timers, time to gain more loot, more xp yet be considered selfish should I move like the wind... while those who would view me as such waddle 'long? ... They themselves are inconsiderate of how I wish to play.

    Remember three buffs required "rage haste and RAGE!" haste be the chequered flag and all others icying on the cake.
    I agree, Emi! There's nothing worse than putting "zerg" or "fast run" in your LFM, only to have someone join who still needs to run to Meridia or has to go buy pots/scrolls/common sense. Join my f*#&ing LFM after you do all that stuff or I'm starting without you. These never fail to be the people who don't know their way, too. Then they want ever unnecessary buff created in the game and don't know how to run past certain rooms, only to die and complain that we didn't clear along the way.

    On the other hand, if you don't communicate to your group that it's going to be a zergfest, then you have no place to complain that you got a PUG full of dungeon crawlers.
    Awnoo . Mayonnaise . Cellebrian . Gawnaball . Gawna . Gawnaderp .
    Gawnasorc . Mamadapolis . Gawnahjeal . Winnar .
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    Gawno is excrement; Gawna is excellent.

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