Heh... Been a long time. I wasn't sure if my characters would even be here.
I find that they are. 11/10 character slots used, so something has changed.
I've completely forgotten everything about the game, so I'm thinking I'll start over again with a brand new character. This means I'll probably kill off all the existing ones except the three maxxed level 10 characters I had when I left.
Though, I apparently gave away everything except for a handful of gold/platinum when I left. I find all 3 of my higher characters are naked. Oh well. I can get gear again.
My biggest question, I guess, is can we transfer money from character to character? If not, I suppose I can go shopping with the other characters and put the stuff in the shared bank.
If anyone has any advice, please feel free to respond. I'm a bit overwhelmed trying to remember everything.