I rarely have found myself solo playing in the past, prefering guild or pug on the fly group zerging. On the new server I have a 5/1 drow fs/monk and found at level 3 and 5 respectivley was comfortably able to solo waterworks hard and tangleroot normal.

These are not spectacular feats by any streach of the imagination.....but unlike previous similar runs.......the challenge felt just right for an untweeked solo run.

This far the solo normal stuff seeMs very well calabrated.

I also like the challenge and call for teamwork that those same quests scales to in six man groups.....the added teeth the monsters have while challenging seems right on as I level a similar character on Khyber.

Long stork short.....just with dungeon scaling added, quests for both solo and full party play have very new yet well calibrated feels from my experiances so far.

Very well done.