Hello All!
<pops the lid on his Everfull Mug>
Welcome everyone young and old, to DDO: Eberron Unlimited!
I hope you have a wonderful time! There is a lot of evergy, and enthusiasm in DDO now, and I love it! If you are new to the game, don't worry, there are plenty of mature and experienced players willing to help you out. One of the best parts of DDO is the mature teamwork and tactical play that DDO provides. With some patience and planning, you will be tackling the most difficult adventures in no time!
One thing I have learned since F2P came to DDO: some bad practices can lead to rough adventures, and adventuring.
Case in point: General chat. I can honestly count on both hands how many times I have seen people requesting groups in General chat before Mod 9/F2P. Now, I see it all of the time, and it is severely cluttering up general chat. It's not a pain, and I dont want to cut out General chat (for the people with questions who dont use the advice channel yet) so I am providing advice on how to achieve your ends in a more efficient and proper way.
First lesson: The LFM Panel can be your friend, if you use it correctly.
The basic info you should put in the details is name of the quest, appropriate levels of the characters you want to join, and what types of characters you believe you need, to complete the quest effectively. Too often I see a 2nd or 3rd level character posting a 1-20 LFM with no information in it, but they are spamming the General chat asking for people to join. Do yourself a favor, put the most relative information in the LFM, and they will join.
Second lesson: Please use the advice or trade channels for advice and/or trade. Before mod 9, trade offers in voice chat were looked down upon, and everyone either found out on their own, or asked a trusted friend for advice. Spamming in General chat questions that can be answered quickly can be annoying, when excessive. I answer about ten questions every time I have logged in, but i'll reply more quickly when I see it asked in the proper channel (cuz the white general text is the same color as other text, NON-advice related)
Remember, Shaamis the Drunken Monk is here to help you, and if you have a question, feel free to send me a /tell or a D-Mail.
<pops the lid on his Everfull Mug>
MMMMmmmm that's some good Ale.
"The Kegtapper"