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  1. #1
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Default Bug Alert: Non-functioning parts of Sorceror Capstone

    The .25 addition to critical multiplier from the sorceror capstone is presently either non-functional or non-stacking. I have now tested this extensively with polar ray (conveniently, using 2x cold damage targets, where polar ray does 880-1020 damage per cast).


    1.5 base crit
    +.75 3 enhancements
    +.50 major lore item
    +.25 capstone

    I should have 3x criticals

    I do not; I have 2.75 criticals, maxing at roughly 2780 crits in this situation. I am having a harder time testing out the other two portions: the difference in 3% crit is very difficult to test, and I don't really wish to sit and crunch the numbers to determine the damage bonus.

    Some assistance in testing these two sections, as well as drawing further attention to this bug, would be quite helpful. Lets get this fixed in the first patch.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    [...] drawing further attention to this bug [...]
    Bug report if you didn't and PM the thread to 404error.

    If he complains about getting too much PMs, he just has to start his own thread., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #3
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    I already did bug report and the PM is next; however, I wanted to enlist some other sorcs helping me test the damage amp and crit-chance portions of the capstone, and let people know why it seemed like it wasn't that effective.

  4. #4
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Bug report if you didn't
    Wouldn't waste my time.

    I bug reported that the Barbarian capstone was mostly non-functionaly too, months before this patch went live. It's as bugged as ever now on live.

    It was never read, the devs probably still don't know or care.

    I'd guess both crit parts of the sorc capstone aren't functioning. I got it on my sorc and not really noticing a difference. I think the +10% dmg seems to work tho.

    I imagine none of this was tested at all.

    Probably the same reason the new sorc savant item sets don't work (so i've read, don't have one yet). Turbine has no such thing as QA.

  5. #5
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    As sour as Shade's post is, I have to say that it echoes my sentiments. I've long been blown away by the number of things that somehow slip through QA's nets. I understand why some bugs affecting existing things may not be caught... regression testing only gets more and more difficult with each release... but I have to say I simply don't understand why the new features were apparently never tested, or tested in such a poor and ineffective manner.

    On top of that, many of these problems were reported... so even if testing budget is so limited that not everything can be looked at, they have lots of free bug reports that may help direct testing budget to where it is needed.
    Last edited by Strakeln; 09-15-2009 at 07:51 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    As sour as Shade's post is, I have to say that it echoes my sentiments. I've long been blown away by the number of things that somehow slip through QA's nets. I understand why some bugs effecting existing things may not be caught... regression testing only gets more and more difficult with each release... but I have to say I simply don't understand why the new features were apparently never tested, or tested in such a poor and ineffective manner.

    On top of that, many of these problems were reported... so even if testing budget is so limited that not everything can be looked at, they have lots of free bug reports that may help direct testing budget to where it is needed.
    The worst is when 404 comes in and says "Thanks we knew about it but decided it was a Go Live bug." By itself, that is actually a really helpful statement and I appreciate him doing it. However, they have a known issues list. It would be really nice if they'd update it or fill it out with an actual list of known issues for once.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by SimVerg View Post
    However, they have a known issues list. It would be really nice if they'd update it or fill it out with an actual list of known issues for once.
    Their use of the known issues list is questionable. Many, many times in DDO's history where there known issues that were... not official known issues., #1 source for DDO information.

  8. #8
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Wouldn't waste my time.

    I bug reported that the Barbarian capstone was mostly non-functionaly too, months before this patch went live. It's as bugged as ever now on live.

    It was never read, the devs probably still don't know or care.

    I'd guess both crit parts of the sorc capstone aren't functioning. I got it on my sorc and not really noticing a difference. I think the +10% dmg seems to work tho.

    I imagine none of this was tested at all.

    Probably the same reason the new sorc savant item sets don't work (so i've read, don't have one yet). Turbine has no such thing as QA.
    I have one; they don't.

  9. #9
    Community Member Shandi's Avatar
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    You know Junts I too thought that my damage was lower than what it should be with this capstone. I will do more intense testing when I get home from work today. I will post screens and what not.

    By the way when you say 2780 max crit is that with a mob that is weak to fire or not? Dumb question I know but I would like to know so I know what to compare for myself
    Shandi TRing - Jackdal 20th Figther - Kaven 18th Fighter / 1st Monk
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    As sour as Shade's post is, I have to say that it echoes my sentiments. I've long been blown away by the number of things that somehow slip through QA's nets. I understand why some bugs affecting existing things may not be caught... regression testing only gets more and more difficult with each release... but I have to say I simply don't understand why the new features were apparently never tested, or tested in such a poor and ineffective manner.

    On top of that, many of these problems were reported... so even if testing budget is so limited that not everything can be looked at, they have lots of free bug reports that may help direct testing budget to where it is needed.
    I am sure Turbine (but not individual devs) know of the bugs, even if QAT has not yet verified them.

    It is a matter of priorities, based on the most limited resource (money or time).

    Right or wrong, it appears that for this release the store was the highest and content only accessable at endgame was the lowest priority.
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  11. #11


    After hundreds of casts of magic missile I can verify that neither the critical rate modifier works (tested with a base of 0% and the capstone, never had a critical magic missile) nor the critical multiplier works.

    Also, after comparing magic missiles between my sorcerer with Force Manipulation I and the capstone who made magic missile damage of 4 or 5 and my wizard with Force Manipulation II who made magic missile damage of 4 or 6 (both should be adding up to 20% and thus should have the same damage numbers), the base damage component seems to not be working either.
    Server - Thelanis
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  12. #12
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    You didn't happen to check if it increased your damage over 0 enhancements, did you Cow?
    Last edited by SimVerg; 09-16-2009 at 11:08 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    I am sure Turbine (but not individual devs) know of the bugs, even if QAT has not yet verified them.
    Unfortunately, that is not always the case.

    Here, allow me to point you to a thread that is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. This bug was reported during beta, both in-game and on the forums, at least four times. It was also bug reported during live, in game and on the forums. This thread I link to is the first time they became aware of it:

    Starts at post 12

  14. #14
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shandi View Post
    You know Junts I too thought that my damage was lower than what it should be with this capstone. I will do more intense testing when I get home from work today. I will post screens and what not.

    By the way when you say 2780 max crit is that with a mob that is weak to fire or not? Dumb question I know but I would like to know so I know what to compare for myself

    Double-cold damage weak (fire elementals, use the ts elementals for easy testing), polar ray with superior glaciation and all avilable crit enhancements and major lore item. If you dont have glacial assault III, use the3 minute clickies from the telvi's sash belt.

  15. #15
    Community Member Shandi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    Double-cold damage weak (fire elementals, use the ts elementals for easy testing), polar ray with superior glaciation and all avilable crit enhancements and major lore item. If you dont have glacial assault III, use the3 minute clickies from the telvi's sash belt.
    Ok thanks Junts - I will post my findings later tonight.

    And thanks cow for jumping into the ring with us here about this - anyway we can get a dev to acknowledge that mayhaps things are broken?
    Shandi TRing - Jackdal 20th Figther - Kaven 18th Fighter / 1st Monk
    Proud Member of D.W.A.T. since 2006 of Xoriat, now Thelanis
    ...and when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks back at you...

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by SimVerg
    You didn't happen to check if it increased your damage over 0 enhancements, did you Cow?
    It did nothing to increase my Cloudkill Acid damage (where I have no enhancements) so I'd wager it isn't working in that scenario either.
    Server - Thelanis
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  17. #17
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    It did nothing to increase my Cloudkill Acid damage (where I have no enhancements) so I'd wager it isn't working in that scenario either.
    yep it looks totally nonfunctional; I hadpreviously calculated that 20 sorc polar ray damage should top out at 550-570, and since its topping at 530-540, that is also consistent with the capstone not contributing.
    Last edited by Junts; 09-16-2009 at 06:00 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    It did nothing to increase my Cloudkill Acid damage (where I have no enhancements) so I'd wager it isn't working in that scenario either.
    And everyone thought Cheat Death would be the worst capstone in Mod 9...

  19. #19
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimVerg View Post
    And everyone thought Cheat Death would be the worst capstone in Mod 9...
    Haha, for the win.

  20. #20
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    The capstone is definitely broke. I just tested it myself.

    A good test for damage is magic missile since a magic missile either does a base 4 or 5 points of damage. Also, it is easier to determine if the rate of criticals is correct.

    Without capstone (Force Man, Lineage of Force, and Deadly Force III, Superior Pot, Superior lore ) :
    Calculated Expected Results:
    Base Damage: 4, 5
    Enhancements / Superior potency (*1.8): 7.2, 9
    Max / Emp (*2.5): 18, 22.5
    Critical (*2.75): 49.5, 61.875

    Game Results:
    Normal Damage Shown 18, 22
    Critical Damage Shown 49, 61

    With Capstone
    (Force Man, Lineage of Force, and Deadly Force III, superior pot and lore ) :

    Calculated Expected Results:
    Base Damage: 4, 5
    Enhancements / Superior potency (*1.8): 7.2, 9
    Max / Emp (*2.6): 18.72, 23.4
    Critical (*3.0): 56.16, 70.2

    Game Results:
    Normal Damage Shown 18, 22
    Critical Damage Shown 49, 61

    As can be seen, the results for pre capstone and capstone are exactly the same. The extra damage does not seem to be applied. Furthermore, I tested magic missile without the use of a superior lore item, and found that the critical damage bonus of the capstone still was not being applied.

    Conclusion: The critical damage portion of the capstone is either not functioning or does not stack with enhancements. I would suggest someone run a large number of tests on mm to see if the rate of critical is also not functioning. I would also suggest for someone to see if the capstone will function when no critical damage enhancements are applied.

    Edit: Modified the damage bonus in expected results for capstone analysis from 2.5 to 2.6 to reflect the supposed 10% bonus.
    Last edited by tinyelvis; 09-17-2009 at 12:04 PM.

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