The .25 addition to critical multiplier from the sorceror capstone is presently either non-functional or non-stacking. I have now tested this extensively with polar ray (conveniently, using 2x cold damage targets, where polar ray does 880-1020 damage per cast).
1.5 base crit
+.75 3 enhancements
+.50 major lore item
+.25 capstone
I should have 3x criticals
I do not; I have 2.75 criticals, maxing at roughly 2780 crits in this situation. I am having a harder time testing out the other two portions: the difference in 3% crit is very difficult to test, and I don't really wish to sit and crunch the numbers to determine the damage bonus.
Some assistance in testing these two sections, as well as drawing further attention to this bug, would be quite helpful. Lets get this fixed in the first patch.