Hi folks.
There don't seem to be terribly many handwraps that aren't just a straight plus dropping, and the only guaranteed loot piece I am aware of is the Weeping Handwraps. With the Devout Handwraps having missed making the loot tables in this current update, I'm pretty sure that's the only Static Loot.

I had a hard time getting my hands on them, so I figured I'd be nice and post about it.
The page linked above lists them as being inside Captain Gurdal's Chest. That puts them inside the Captives quest, right here: http://ddowiki.com/page/The_Captives

However, after running the quest 75 million times, I became frustrated. ddowiki.com lists the handwraps on their page, but lists an optional boss named Captain Guldag instead of Gurdal. I thought this was a typo.

So without further ado, here's what you a-do.

Park your low level monk right outside the c-hills.
Group up with a higher level character who has done this quest on hard.
Higher level character enters quest ON ELITE, jumps off cliff towards the first little island, and kills what is there.
If Captain Gurdal is there, monk starts running to the quest. Otherwise, player recalls out of quest, monk leaves group (from outside the hills) and rejoins, and player enters again.

The wraps are bind to character, not account, and it appears that the proper named boss only spawns on elite (roughly 40% of the time?). The chest is not a 100% chance to drop (maybe 10-20%), so it might take a few tries to do this. Being that you can cliff jump and your monk can reset the quest without the other player having to leave the hills, the longest wait is just running your monk out there to get to the chest. PROTIP: other player should loot as well, and try to pass wraps over to monk instead of taking for himself.

So... while useful handwrap drops seem to be horrible, and there's no "nicked" handwraps out there, here's the best way to get +2 sonic handwraps on your little baby monk. Enjoy.