I'm leveling a new intimitank, staying more paladin than my current tank, with the goal of hitting Defender of Siberys III. He's sitting at level 7 right now, and I decided to see what my enhancement situation would be like at endgame. Man! Those APs are tight!
So, I'm curious to see what people running similar builds have decided upon for their Defenders.
Ferrumgaard Human 18 Paladin/2 Fighter
Paladin AC Boost I (req)
Fighter Haste Boost I (DPS)
Unyielding Sovereignty (req)
Sovereign Host (req)
Human Improved Recovery I (nice for a tank)
Courage of Good I (req)
Focus of Good I (req)
Bulwark of Good IV (AC)
Resistance of Good III (req)
Divine Righteousness (goes well with DoS)
Divine Sacrifice II (DPS)
Exalted Smite IV (DPS)
Extra LoH III (nice to have: could possibly dump last tier of this to pick up more Toughness or Greater Human Adaptability, or Paladin Cha I + something else)
Extra Smite IV (needed for Exalted Smite)
Defender of Siberys III (focus)
Fighter Intimidate I (every little bit counts, though I may end up too low for boss intimidating, and way over auto-intim on trash, so I may dump this)
Racial Toughness II (more HP is always good)
Paladin Toughness II (ditto)
Divine Might III (DPS)
and some other 1 AP enhancement (choosing amongst: Extra Turning, Spell Amplication: Positive, Spell Points, Paladin Rally or Item Defense I)