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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    I left about a year ago because I could not find groups and I was shy about starting my own due to lack of knowledge of the quest and strategies. I don’t want to get people killed.

    Are most people pretty patient with new comers and starting PUGs? I have no problem taking the risk and starting a group as long as people are helpful and patient about it.

    So far, what I love about DDO is the community. It’s mature, helpful and fun. Great advice for those looking for or to create groups.

    Xanidor – Cannith

  2. #22
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtal311 View Post
    I left about a year ago because I could not find groups and I was shy about starting my own due to lack of knowledge of the quest and strategies. I don’t want to get people killed.

    Are most people pretty patient with new comers and starting PUGs? I have no problem taking the risk and starting a group as long as people are helpful and patient about it.
    Yes, just mention it in the LFM: "first time through" / "not zerging" / "zergers welcome if you take lead" or whatever suits your fancy*. As people drop in, you can let them know that they are free to take the lead.

    * "Need guide" is a sure loser, though.
    Sine Qua Non.

  3. #23
    Stormreach Advisor
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    The 5-range is definitely a <em>bit</em> tricky because so many of the options are in Adventure Packs[1] but there are some places to go questing still. Given the gear and experience situation for most F2P people, I would recommend trying to put off Stormcleave, Gwylan's Stand, Xorian Cipher and Tear of Dhakaan (very good leveling quests) until at least 6, preferrably 7. That leaves at least something like:

    Waterworks, Butcher's Path, Kobold's New Ringleader on Elite, if not done yet.
    Searing Heights (I think?)
    Caged Trolls
    Rest for the Restless
    Dead Predators
    Depths in Deneith
    Swiped Signet
    Redwillow's Ruins

    [1] Personally, I would suggest maybe investing in one or two, Tangleroot and Delera, if possible.
    Sine Qua Non.

  4. #24
    Static Guy Xgemina's Avatar
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    I just wanted to chime in regarding the server that the op is playing on: Cannith. I was on Cannith Saturday night and there were hundreds of players on. I was checking the who list and sorted by level to see how may level 20s were listed*. I got curious so I slid down the list to the level 5s. The slider bar was perhaps 20% (that's being generous) down (high to low) when I got to the level 5s. When 80% of your server population is level 5 and below, you probably won't see very many groups in the 5+ range unless you make them yourself.

    Being as I have a baby wc over there that is level 5, you can guarantee that there will be a TR group advertised Monday afternoon when I get on.

    *There was 1 if you were curious and maybe 10 that were 18/19.
    Last edited by Xgemina; 09-20-2009 at 08:46 PM. Reason: grammar
    Per Cocomajobo - Ranged has easy access to AOE - apparently 3 feats, BAB 11 and Dex 19 is considered easy access these days. post here

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  5. #25
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    ^^ Yep. Like I said, Cannith is still in a weird stage. You've got the people who rushed through it to get to endgame asap, and are already in the 16-20 range (yes, there are 20s on Cannith already); and then there are the newer people or those, like myself, who haven't had a lot of time to play recently, and are in the 1-10 range.

    For what it's worth, the "average" level has moved from 5 to about 7 or 8 as of late. I see a lot of groups for Tangleroot, STK (elite), Gwylan's, Grey Moon/Co6, and Stormcleave. Heck, I even saw some Necropolis and Pit groups forming on the weekend, which is something I haven't seen on the main servers in a long, long time.

    But, again, keep in mind that :
    - soloing is generally an option now, especially on "normal".
    - hirelings help
    - a small group of 2-4 people can still get a lot done

    You should be able to get to 3 before leaving Korthos island; level 5 by doing all Harbour quests including Waterworks (maybe with a few repetitions); level 7 by doing Marketplace quests including the Sharn Syndicate series (purchased), Shan-To-Kar/STK (free I think?), and Catacombs (purchased). Maybe throw in Tangleroot as well (purchased) from House P.
    From there, you have Redwillow's, Gwylan's Stand, Tear of Dhakaan, The Pit, Caverns of Korromar (CoK), Stromvauld's, Xorian Cipher, Necropolis story arcs 1 and 2, Delera's, Stormcleave, Grey Moon Waning/Circle of Six(Co6), and the Threnal series to get you easily to 10+ (some of those are purchaseables by the way).

    Also, as previously mentioned, "explorer" areas such as the Waterworks, Tangleroot Gorge, Sorrowdusk Isle, Searing Heights, Cerulean Hills, and so on can bring in a lot of xp over time what with the explorer xp, slayer xp, and named monster xp. And they're doable solo. Just a heads up on that.

  6. #26
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Tonight Varr will be running ten or so xc runs level 8 & 9, see you there!!
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    But, again, keep in mind that :
    - soloing is generally an option now, especially on "normal".
    Y'know how the compendium will list quests, and it will say for instance lvl 5 party or level 5 party/solo. Are you saying that even the ones that don't specifically say solo can be solo'd on normal?

  8. #28
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Limb0 View Post
    Y'know how the compendium will list quests, and it will say for instance lvl 5 party or level 5 party/solo. Are you saying that even the ones that don't specifically say solo can be solo'd on normal?
    Of course!!!!

    Most vets solo up to and including Elite settings

    Only the opposite holds true: solo quests can't be run in a group.

    This is the way this game is designed: you need to be specifically told when NOT to group, not the other way around hence the solo/party description
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  9. #29
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    I have to agree, not much to be seen at hte mid levels, I'm leveling my fvs and this is one of teh few times I've had to put up lfms of my own. They fill very quickly too.
    Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
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  10. #30
    Founder Cybergoblin's Avatar
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    I have noticed the same problem as the original poster - I believe it is because the exp seems to really drag. I think doing quests at 1k exp each or whatever would mean I need 40 runs to go from level 4 to 5? It just seems to really be slow and repetetive at that point.

  11. #31
    Community Member Wave_of_Mutilation's Avatar
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    I guess I see less groups at level 6 on Sarlona. I've done the Waterworks quest line several times on elite and have been starting the House of Deneith "Depths" line. It's working out alright so far. I wasn't aware that quest difficulty increased with the size of the party.

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