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  1. #1
    Community Member xxDevlinxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default DRB Is Now Recruiting

    The Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood Guild, Welcome

    Welcome future Khyberians & Ghallandians!

    With the merger the ‘Dragon Renaissance Brotherhood Guild’ (DRB) thought that a welcome and a few words of introduction would be a step in the right direction to getting to know all the new guilds and players coming to join the Khyber and Ghallandia servers. We have tried to answer questions that anyone might be interested in about another guild, and in a non-competitive way tell you who we are so when you see our guild name hovering above members there will be a sense of recognition and approachability.

    -What time is the guild most active?
    Most of our members are from the U.S., but we have members from all parts of the globe. Our majority of membership is EST and CST'ers made up of mainly Old School Pen and Paper players. With that in mind our peak times are 3pm - 12pm PST, peak times are our most active.

    -How many players can I seriously expect to see online- and what character lvls?
    On a busy weekend we will have somewhere around 10-20+ online, most weeknights you will see a few less. We usually have about 60-200 members log on per day. Of course this number fluctuates, and it makes sense that those who play more regularly than others and are most often online have high lvl toons. This fluctuates too. There will always be a range of lvls to play with, if you are playing a low level toon most members can join you with one of their "lowbies" too if they are not busy.

    -What is the general player age?
    Probably 30’s to 40's, keep in mind that we are an adults guild of 18+ so we have mostly adults. Thou we welcome all new members age 18 and up.

    -What style of play is predominant?
    This guild was started as a casual peak collection of mainly Old School Pen and Paper players. Some of us are able to log on twice a week, others (guilty) are on almost every day and people get concerned and ask questions when they are not there lol. On the whole, we play for fun. We are not all exclusively: Zerg masters (I can do the titan in 30 seconds!), Virtual C*** Measurers (my toon is the most UBER! And I only play with certified Uber players), ETC. ETC...
    Although, there are elements of all these things in our individual members, and we certainly don’t discourage some element of these styles, though we are still best described as a casual player’s guild.

    -What are the guild rules?
    Our basic rules are very simple: Our main rules are; 1) Don't be a total drain on clerics mana and don't be a jerk, other than that our biggest rule is to have fun. What this means is try to use a shield instead of two handed wepons when possible and stay within healing range of your cleric (so no running off soloing), and no dropping party in mid quest without a really good reason that the party can understand. Fun is the name of the game, and respect for other guildies is paramount. For more details check out our guild charter and forum at:

    New forums

    -Does the guild have any long standing credibility within the community (how established is it? how stable is it? do they have the maturity to deal with issues and does it have an active leadership team?)
    The DRB Guild has been around for almost 2 years now. Our guild Leader is Addrenaline and as the guild has grown to become possibly one of the biggest peak time Guilds on Khyber we have promoted more long standing helpful members to officers. There is almost always an officer online, but instead of listing those all here it would be easier for interested individuals to check the “who” list for guild members and send them a polite tell asking them which officers are online. Our policy is to invite on request, so you will have no issue or trial. Officers are happy to answer any questions you may have, ingame (when they become free and are not questing) or in the public area of our forum.

    -What are the organized guild events?
    We currently have one organized guild raid on Saturday afternoons CST and the raids are rotated. Any member of the appropriate lvl is welcome to sign up for a place on a first-in basis. As our potential membership grows or if there is demand for it, a second scheduled raid will be added. None of the Scheduled guild events are compulsory, and the guild is a friendly and helpful one for those that need to get raid ready, or really want to get something in particular done. Always keep in mind that we are working with a casual player base, and not everyone has the same amount of time to get ingame things done.

    We also have a Guild Bank, Treasury and Trading Post that works on donations to help get new members on their feet and help out mainly low to mid lvl characters.

    Well, that is us in a nutshell, and I (personally) and the DRB look forward too seeing and partying with all the new faces in town be they in our guild or not. Don’t be shy to say howdy if you see us about town (most likely at the auction house haha)!

    Sincerely, on behalf of the DRB,

    Conradical 17 tank - Leader
    Easybakeoven 17 caster - 2nd in command
    Addrenaline 16 Tank - Officer
    Lancalot 17 Tank - Officer
    Serrena 17 Healer - Officer
    Manafeind 17 Caster - Officer
    Last edited by xxDevlinxx; 09-17-2009 at 01:59 PM.
    Devlin aka Addrenaline,
    Founder of DRB - 17th lvl Dragon Killer

  2. #2


    not to derail this thread, but i believe this is so much better than spamming guild invitation offers in general thread
    If you want to know why...

  3. #3
    Community Member barbaricfoe693's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Hi

    old Buddy. See you have managed to keep the ship righted through stormy seas. 3 servers later and DRB has managed to survive. thought I would just stop by and say, Hello. I don't get much time at all to sit down and play working as much as I do. 7 Days a week most the time at the power plants and 10 hours at that. Cya around. *Shyly admits, he was a DRB Member way back in the day, with Grin. *Thinks back to the most memorable dragon run I have been on.
    Riedra Server
    Colossusx Man-Human/ 14thlvl Paladin/28 pter
    Bowling Ball-Dwarf/14th level Barbarian/28pter
    Bigole Guns-Human/14th level Fighter/28pter
    Casitigate Badboy-Drow/14th level Sorc
    Carved Stone-14th level Fighter/32pter
    Coold Killa-Hafling/14th fighter/32pter
    Puncha Yureyeout-Elven/12th level Ranger/32pter
    Systematic Looter-Drow/8th level Rogue
    4 manned elite dragon
    3 manned titan
    preraid in 42 minutes including dragons-firstpart in 22 mins

  4. #4
    Community Member xxDevlinxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Hey Bigole

    You ought to join Founders or Loreseekers they are all good guys and you would get along well with them
    Devlin aka Addrenaline,
    Founder of DRB - 17th lvl Dragon Killer

  5. #5
    Community Member Ryan1616's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Wink hey

    I <3 DRB

    See you around Khyber Dev
    ~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*

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