I. I am still new to the game
Two years ago I started playing DDO at the request of an old tabletop buddy who moved away. A week after I started playing however, he left me to my lonesome. Two weeks after I started the game, having grown tired of playing the game on my own for a week, I left DDO to pursue other interests. Tabletop RPing, Sims, and Pokémon. (Shh, I'm a girl so I'm allowed to like Pokémon even though I'm over 20!)

II. My play schedule is flexible
I log on rather sporadically, though often I end up being a night owl. I would adjust to the play schedule of my guild (making sure I am up during the guild's 'prime time' of playing.) I live in the Central Time Zone... if that matters.

III. A Min/Maxer I am not
I do try to make my character as effective as I can, but I do not go so far as to calculate every little thing or pick a race/class combination that is by far superior than the rest. Min/Maxing has always made me a little itchy having grown up with AD&D (or 2nd Edition) and being rewarded for creativity/roleplay. This does not mean I'd take a feat and ruin my effectiveness just for the sake of RP (example; I wouldn't pick up an exotic weapon feat just so my FoS matches some askew image in my mind.)

IV. Seeking a guild, will travel
I will be honest. My current highest class is 1/2 (Rogue/Cleric Illorea). I decided I wanted to be a pure Healbot and went with FoS for a reason I no longer remember. I am not 'established' on the server I currently play on and will be more than happy to switch to a guild willing to put a novice under their wings and not shove the novice out of the nest.

V. I do have qualifications
a. Aside from playing Pokémon, I can be considered mature.
b. I want to be a Healbot, and know I can heal well once I get the hang of the game.
c. I am willing to take advice on my class.
d. My familiarity with 3.5 is decient (though I never played it much at all, preferring AD&D)
e. One of my desires for a guild is a stable group of people to group with.

V. Why I should choose you
There are some requirements on my end. Rather... I am looking for a few key points in potential guilds.
a. Able, and willing to aid a novice player
1. Giving advice
2. Answering questions
3. Not laughing too hard or yelling to loud when I do something completely stupid

b. Occasional raids, either currently or plans to. (I would not expect to take part in such things until I get up to par via skills/equipment.)
c. You don't 'require' the use of a headset. (I currently don't have one, and won't be able to afford one till Jan/Feb. I can listen, just not speakith)

Characters I play: Illorea (1/2 rogue/cleric) | Valorea (2 FoS) Both are on Sarlona.
I am more than willing to answer any questions I didn't cover. I am eager to learn the game properly and willing to put in the dedication to learn how to be a proper Healbot. Grouping is my main concern though I also wish to be able to aid the guild with my full potential.