Every time I try to enter any world it gives me an error that says "Could not connect to world queue: Error 50000"
Is anyone else having the same problem?
And could someone help me?
Every time I try to enter any world it gives me an error that says "Could not connect to world queue: Error 50000"
Is anyone else having the same problem?
And could someone help me?
Unable to connect to world queue. Please try again. Error 50000.
I've had this error on any world I attempt for the past week. How can we resolve this?
I got this error message randomly after being able to connect to server fine for a week.
I solved this problem by simply doing a hard reboot of my router, which resets my static IP
given by my ISP.
Don't ask me exactly why refreshing my connection and having a different IP helped, but
I'm guessing either the new IP or the refreshing of my connection 100% fixed the issue
I had this issue yesterday trying to log into cannith. I exited the entire Turbine Program, including system tray, then restarted it and it seemed to then work fine for me.
i have try to reset the router, but nothing changed. and the problem is only on my account, i have try other account and on other computer, the problemi is only on my account.
Looks like the LoginQueue servers were restarted, and # of logins are going up. Try again?
This is so lame!!!! does anyone know why this is happening and are they doing anything to fix it???
Yeah I know its lame I been at it for sometime tying to get in .... before the ICE event finish was ok ..... was in and out ok .... then went to sleep 5 hours latter which is now .... tada ERROR 50000 ..... must be some dns pointing problem .... I tried everying nothing works .... flushed DNS and restarted Router .... user FREE DNS .... other DNS .... same too .... Hope DDO Fixes it after I comeback from work hehehe . TQ
Originally Posted by Victor Wachter, Community Relations Manager, DDO™
i had the quick play download but got sick of it so i downloaded the "ddo standard." Now it will let me log in but when i go to connect to a world it just cant but it dosnt freeze, and without any error messages. what should i try to fix this?
Open your network connection properties, switch in 'support' and click on 'repair'.
this should work, at least it has worked for me
I had this error tonight. It went away after I flushed my computer's DNS cache. This may well be a fluke, but it can't hurt to try.
For windows XP
Open the command window. (Start, run, enter CMD)
In the command window enter "ipconfig /flushdns" (without quotes.)
The process should take less than 15 seconds.
Once done, reboot your computer and try to connect again.
Havin same problem tried flushin dns and restarting, did nothing. very annoying
Same problem here. Can't connect to any servers.
May I also say that I find it incredibly frustrating that Turbine's response to people posting about a problem was to lock the thread. Way to be constructive and responsive to your users...
This happens every Saturday and Friday night, and sometimes during Sunday. TBH its a bit ridiculous, its been going on for a while now, you would think that they might want to upgrade how many people can be allowed on a server?
Tokun PDK 12 Monk/4 Paladin/4 Fighter (3x Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue/2x Bard, Barbarian PL)
Tekllin Human 20 Sorc (3x Sorc, Wiz PL)
Jadokis Purple Dragon Knight 18 Barbarian/1 Favored Soul/1 Fighter (3x Bard, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Rogue/2x Favored Soul/Heroic and Epic Completionist)
Degenerate Matter
I still receive this error, is it a server problem?
It just started happening to me too. Nothing works I tried everything.
when u get that error just try presing the play button again worked fine for me
maybe the same problem? how was this resolved back in 2009 and 2010?
maybe they should care anuff to tell me what it is
Well, I'm at least glad that other people are reporting this problem today, and my computer isn't experiencing some fluke glitch... I assume it has to do with the update, but that's been complete for around 5 and a half hours supposedly, so the login servers should be up. I have tried several of the suggested fixes (fully exiting etc.), but still no luck. Seems it happens after a very, very long login period; when I finally get to the world select window, it once again takes forever then pops up the Error 50000 message. Any help would be much appreciated Turbine or anyone else!
If you want to party, party well and politely. If you want to solo, pick a race and class that can.