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  1. #1
    Community Member gawencrow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Lotro Vet looking for DDO Guild

    hola, I am 41 yrs old, , male, a long time MMO player, most recently Lotro, and I'm looking for a mature but young at heart group of folks to crawl dungeons with. I'm usually an evening player (10:00PM - 2:00AM EST) longer on the weekends and I enjoy helping others achieve their goals as much as my own. Blessed Be
    "Time is the fire in which we burn."

  2. #2
    Community Member Johnscapey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi, I'm Jeynks, representing Knights of Blackmoore. First I'll address what you said in your post, then I'll just give you the copy+paste spiel. Mature but young at heart.... I'm not positive we completely fit in that category, as we have a couple of much younger players, but most of our players are adults, even though we act like a bunch of kids at times :P Late evenings are fairly active for us, as we have a few people who are night owls, and we've got an aussie who is on at what for us is odd hours.

    Knights of Blackmoore

    Some information about the guild....
    Knights of Blackmoore is a new player friendly guild. That being said, we also love our veteran players, and returning players. However, we do have a few policies we try to stick by. Take it slow. Whether you're a new player, an old player, or a returning player, don't blast through a quest just for completion. There may be other people in the party that haven't run the quest a thousand times, and don't know it as well as you do. It's fun for everyone to explore the quest, learn where things are, or why certain things are done certain ways. We also aim for all the optionals in a quest (At least, those we're capable of...). We do no not tolerate zerging. New players, and people who want to explore simply don't have any fun with that kind of playstyle. Blackmoore style, all optionals, kill anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, poke it until it does... then kill it.

    We have a functional website, though right now it's not getting much use, its kind of under construction. Vent is something that is being discussed, and will one day be implemented.

    Link to the guild website:

    If interested in a guild that likes to run together, takes things a little slower, explores quests, doesn't zerg, and generally tries to help one another learn the game, check the who Tab on Thelanis and see if anyone's on, they can direct you to an officer.

    Kill anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, poke it until it does, then ... kill it! -- Knights of Blackmoore official unofficial motto.

  3. #3
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default LOTHRO looking for DDO GUild

    Our guild. Valhalla Permadeath Guild, has members that range from 18 to 70. A good many of the members are in their 30's and 40's so that might be a good fit. We are mostly an East Coast Guild - with the heaviest action between 6PM and 1AM EST. Lately we have had people on though in the daytime as well. We are on the Ghallanda Server.

    Our guild is a Permadeath Guild, which means if you die and can't be rezzed by a spell or ability you delete. This cuts down on the Zerging as we all want to get out vertical.

    We play as a team.

    If you would like to know more about our guild you can look at our website at the bottom of this post, or you can go to the Ghallanda Server and do a social sort by Guild list and talk to any of our members.

    We play a hard core PD Style. Hope you enjoy the game.

    KG Wiking
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Warrior Nation is looking for serious members On Cannith. Unlike any of the other servers (like the ones the other two posts above mine have their guilds on), Cannith is a new fresh server where everyone coming on has to start fresh. They don't allow any character transfers to Cannith, so the low levels are filled with people for parties and whatnot.

    I posted a recruitment thread here a few days ago, so if you're interested, it has a little more information there than I've got here, plus, personally, I'd rather not just state it here, as well as direct you there, as that's kinda redundant.

    That Thread is located here:

  5. #5
    Community Member gawencrow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Found a home

    Thanx 2 all who replied, I found a good fit.
    "Time is the fire in which we burn."

  6. #6
    Community Member xxDevlinxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Give Dragon Renaiassance Brotherhood (DRB) a try

    Give Dragon Renaiassance Brotherhood (DRB) a try with 1 or 2 toons

    Were the Largest guild on the Largest server - Guaranteed to make new friends!

    Devlin aka Addrenaline,
    Founder of DRB - 17th lvl Dragon Killer

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