I'm getting this on thelanis. I can get onto other servers but Thelanis just disco's me.
I'm getting this on thelanis. I can get onto other servers but Thelanis just disco's me.
I have been getting this message the whole month of December when logging into Gallanada. I can't seem to play the game. I have a VIP account too.
Have you tried these solutions sailenggirl?
Odd occurances of this message have been known but 1 month indicates a problem your end
Last edited by Smitey; 12-20-2010 at 01:17 AM. Reason: updated link
The links included search parameters - I have truncated them so should work now for you.
Can't get in to my server with my main characters! I am a paying customer; this is unacceptable.
Thelanis - 12:51 pm (Eastern Standard time, -5 GMT)
All about the good times. Member of Inferus Sus
Tenzei - 20'th Warforged FVS (Main) / Sankai - 20'th Battle Bard
Grimreminder - 20th Warforged Intimitank Fighter
InsertYour "Name Here" 20'th Cleric / Sojorne 18'th Barbarian
I may have found a way around the BUG. I logged into my other server Cannith, then exited game and tried Thelanis and got like the wind....no problem.
Try it .....it worked for me
Thelanis 12:58 CST
Thelanis 12:00pm until 1:05pm CST. Both me and my wife have tried and can't get on that server with either of our accounts.
Cevon - Nature's Arrow (17 Dru/2 Mnk/1 Wiz HE AA), Shorlong - Pale Master (18 Wiz/2 Monk)
Gorgnak - Frenzied Barbarian, Krazig - Dark Knight Paladin
Xanapheia - Fighting Soul (18 FvS/2 Ftr), Addanc - Bearbarian Tank (12 Dru/6 Ftr/2 Brb)
Thelanis - Leader of The Dark Creed
Thelanis 12:11 PM Mountain Time.
Knightmare, I tried your idea (going onto another server then switching to Thelanis) but it still didn't work.
Same thing intermittently from 1500GMT onwards and now World showing down.
Alright, I managed to get in. Just keep on reloading the client, and eventually you should get in.
Connection Failed: Server Full
Khyber 12:00CST-12:15CST multiple attempts.
ive been trying to log in it always say server logon attempt failed its not fair specially if u paaid for 3 months and u cant access it