Server: Orien
Date: 11/24/09
Time: 1:22pm EST
"Server is Full" error. Twice in a row now. going to keep trying.
Server: Orien
Date: 11/24/09
Time: 1:22pm EST
"Server is Full" error. Twice in a row now. going to keep trying.
Date 11/24/09 - Message "Server is full" while attempting to log into Sarlona server. Time 5:31pm~5:35pm PST. Note the 4 minute span while my screen is blank and the hourglass spins...
Leadsides (Paladin) ~ Leadfoot (Thief) ~ Leadmaiden (Fighter) ~ Leadstone (Wizard) ~ Leadworks (Barbarian) ~ Leadillious (Cleric) ~ Leadherja (Favored Soul) ~ Leadaki (Artificer)
Founding member of the Sacred Flame Guardians on Aerenal.... er, Sarlona.
Again... Server Sarlona, date 11/24/09, "server is full" message, time is 10:53PM PST
Leadsides (Paladin) ~ Leadfoot (Thief) ~ Leadmaiden (Fighter) ~ Leadstone (Wizard) ~ Leadworks (Barbarian) ~ Leadillious (Cleric) ~ Leadherja (Favored Soul) ~ Leadaki (Artificer)
Founding member of the Sacred Flame Guardians on Aerenal.... er, Sarlona.
Server Full, Try again later error for the last hour on Gallanda. Also errored on Sarlona.
Crystalyens lvl 7 Favored Soul (TR'd), Taridar lvl 7 Favored Soul (TR'd).
Crystalyne lvl 28 sorc, Moonshades lvl 8 rogue, Cristalye lvl 15 Rogue, Cristalyne lvl 24 Cleric, Crystally lvl 20 Walock, Crystalyn lvl 28 Rog/Arti, Darheart lvl 8 Druid, Heartbrker lvl 12 Wizard
Server: Orien
I tried last night (11/25/09) for about 2 hours straight at about 7pm-9pm EST. Keep getting server full. Decided to just go to bed early.
Now I am trying today 11/26/09 in the morning 9:30am and I am still constantly getting this message.
What am I paying my VIP status for?
This has been happening all week now and this doesn't include the 5 minutes it takes for the game to load up. Having to wait 4-5 times in a row (20-25 minutes) just to log in is getting very weak.
If this isn't addressed soon it might be time to move on since you guys did great at getting new members interested but now don't have the systems to handle it.
And again... 11/28/09, server Sarlona, time 10:21am PST.
This happens every time I try to log in (no, I'm not posting every instance here or you'd have a 36 page thread already). If I attempt to log in immediately after it kicks me for "server full", I get through every time.
This has become a real pain. The four minute wait while nothing happens, followed by the login failure, followed by another four minute wait so I can get online is getting really, really old. Whatever you did to fix your account or login servers recently needs to be undone.
Leadsides (Paladin) ~ Leadfoot (Thief) ~ Leadmaiden (Fighter) ~ Leadstone (Wizard) ~ Leadworks (Barbarian) ~ Leadillious (Cleric) ~ Leadherja (Favored Soul) ~ Leadaki (Artificer)
Founding member of the Sacred Flame Guardians on Aerenal.... er, Sarlona.
I stand corrected from my last post. This morning I have tried for 3 hours to log on to Sarlona (and once to Argo) with no success. Every time I get the Server is Full message.
On the other hand, since I have to wait 4~5 minutes for the client to even get a response from the login server, I've had plenty of time to catch up on my reading.
*Edit - I should probably explain the sequence of events to help whichever Dev is supposed to be handling this issue.
1) Launch TurbineLauncher.exe
2) Type in password. "Enter last played world Sarlona" is checked. Hit enter.
3) TurbineLauncher logs in, connects me to Sarlona, and launches dndclient.exe. Turbinelauncher disappears.
4) dndclient.exe goes to full screen and hangs for 4~5 mintues.
5) Cursor changes to the DDO one. Wait about 30 to 90 seconds.
6) 1st splashscreen appears.
7) 2nd splashscreen appears (the one with the loading bar). This screen appears for only an instant. I was fast enough with printscreen to capture it and read the information, which is as follows:
Connection successful!
Validating credentials...
Logging in, please wait....
Searching for logon server ... (Attempt 1 of 20)
8) Fullscreen closes and I am left with the message: "The logon server is full. Try again later.".
Last edited by Leadsides; 11-29-2009 at 04:08 PM.
Leadsides (Paladin) ~ Leadfoot (Thief) ~ Leadmaiden (Fighter) ~ Leadstone (Wizard) ~ Leadworks (Barbarian) ~ Leadillious (Cleric) ~ Leadherja (Favored Soul) ~ Leadaki (Artificer)
Founding member of the Sacred Flame Guardians on Aerenal.... er, Sarlona.
server is full, 5:45 khyber VIP
oddly enough this happens along with the program crashing at the character load screen AFTER connecting to the server. 5th attempt it worked
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Getting the servor full message after log in time is 6:05 pm Servor is Khyber!!
ashlick , bizkit, boobooface, breeewind, breunorson, crystalin, dreamless, drunkenorc, earthborn, elation, elazibeth, firesavant, ftwjust, gabrrielle, hiting, idelisa, inactive,jessamyne, keeblerorc,keighra, killia, layniebug, lmyc, mealltach, nicholete, ravinclaws, sapphiire, tairrdelbach, teenny
happed twice here Thought i was just unlucky until i was told about this post!
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
Server is full message for Khyber around 5:45pm EST.
Ditto on Khyber. Can log into other servers though.
Short Fat Bald Guys of Khyber: Zyp, Klod, and a bunch of mules...
Login Server full message with dumping to desktop. Cannith.
Game Error
Connection Failed:
Server Full
3:45pm Pacific, Khyber server, VIP account.
Tried 5 times now, and same thing each time...
After posting this I got on (6th try)!
Last edited by Barumar; 11-30-2009 at 07:07 PM.
getting the error full message on Kyber 5.49 pm central time
Frankfooter 16....Quarterman 16... Burnsome 16... Emantha 16...Holland 16
tried again and was able to log in 5.51 central time kyber
Frankfooter 16....Quarterman 16... Burnsome 16... Emantha 16...Holland 16
Khyber is full... 6:57 pm est
Server: Khyber