same thing Orien
same thing Orien
Sshhh Youcantseeme lvl 10 WF rogue
Malicite lvl 10 Bard
Orien @ 10:15 pm eastern
~back to chasing butterflies~
Chirpy, Churrlish, Churndash, Chirligig, Chirurgeon, Churchbot, Chrrg... I know I am missing a few more
server wont connect ,ghallanda ...since noonish MST ....couldnt log forum till now 840 MST to whine
Cant connect to any world all closed! WHY?
same..getting server full error..2:15pm EST...
The Sons of Moria shall rise again......and only THEN will we have quality ale!!!
Khraghon, Effing Zerger, Kachimmi, Malbocrist, Natch Twenny on the Ghallanda Server
Gallanda server still doing this at 1:42pm CST so it's been over half an hour based on these other posts....
Well, we have to love the Forum Downgrade ( and Auth Server change ) and tying Forum accounts to game accounts... Since it happened there has been many problems with the authentication server.
Getting Server Full on G-Land... Monday Group in 15 minutes... /sadpanda.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
I've been trying to connect to Ghallanda for an hour and a half , I keep geeting server full error.
getting serve full error repeatedly, I did log in once a couple of mins ago on G land, but had to log in again due to red connection icon (so was booted), still not manged to log back in as yet
Last edited by skorpeon; 12-30-2013 at 03:09 PM.
Booted from G-land 2:07 pm central and getting "Failed login: Server Full" message.
I've been getting the server full error when trying to log in Ghallanda for the last 20min or so...
Ghallanda - 8pm GMT
happening to me on Ghallanda right now.
Ghallanda right now also.
From other thread:!#post5213219
Ghallanda says "Connection Failed: Server full". Never had this before.
Attention please. A child has been lodged in the Tunnel of Goats.