Multiple attempts over the last 10 minutes (6 PM EST to 6:10 PM EST)
Shapshap, League of Extraordinary Ham, Sarlona and a bunch of alts that all have names begining with Sha or Sho. Of course Shapshap could be the alt and one of the others the main, it just depends on what day it is.
G-Land at 6:09 PM
Sarlona at 4:13 MST. Tried Khyber and no problems
sarlona, 5:20 pm central time
15 tries so far still server full.
Vip account
Sarlona 5.20 pm EST
I have tried multiple times over the last forty five minutes and keep getting server full. Is this correct? I have been a subscriber for many years just weeks from the very beginning. You seem to be having the same issues WOW has, you let to many kids on certain servers. Which I can't figure out for the life of me how since I have friends who wanted to join but only if they could play on my server and they were unable to. You're losing potential subscribers. I hope you figure out a reasonable solution or you may be losing more than a few current subscribers as well. Perhaps you could close this server to new players and only allow new members with a buddy code, VIP only?
The kid issue has been very detrimental on Sarlona. It used to be easy to find a PUG with good players who use voice but no longer, the server has never been this full and there has never been fewer good groups for PUGing.
Last edited by Acellon; 06-07-2011 at 06:25 PM.
i have tried 10xs to log onto sarlona, keep getting error server full, so true above comment 6:30 est
Last edited by tawl; 06-07-2011 at 06:31 PM.
Cannith @ about 3:00 PM EST. Worked on the second try.
Ghallandra, Server Full, since 7:45pm EST, been trying for over 20 minutes to get in now.
Got booted from the server when the client stopped working, then couldn't log back in, server full error.
Savyuras, Susas, Eviscerates, Robomagi, Slashlee
And an alt or two. Ok, seven.
It's too late, you've awakened the Gazebo.
G-Land server full for 15 minutes so far. 6:44 MST
Giving Server full message for Cannith, 8:15 through 8:50 eastern. Tried 5 times or so, but could connect to Orien with no issue.
I get the Server Full message, but I want to know full of what?
Ghallanda, 7:50PM Central.
Another vote for Ghallanda. It's been "full" 5 times straight since 8:30pm, ET.
Cannith server full 8:52pm EST. 5 tries so far.
Proud Leader of: Platinum Knights on Cannith. Hustler level 22 pure TWF Fighter, Hustla Level 25 Pure THF barb, Hustlez Level 25 Sorc Air Savant/Cold, Hustled level 25 Cleric, Hustlen currently 9th life , Hustling lvl 12 TWF, ImaHustla lvl 22 FvS.