Server: Khyber
Time: 6:30 p.m. P.S.T.
Server: Khyber
Time: 6:30 p.m. P.S.T.
Error code 50000 all day on all worlds. Just downloaded this game yesturday. Is there a priority on who can get into this game? I would like to play, but have been unable to.
VIP - connection failed - server full message
It makes better players of all of us.
Darpa: Xoriat
Connection failed - server full message
Start booting Free to Play not VIP.
VIP, Thelanis,10:06-10:10 pm
A pain to have to type my entire password for each failure
We have met the enemy and he is us. Pogo
Getting Server Full Error on Orien.
Hey everyone, I'm getting the "Server Full" message when I try and log into Orien. I tried logging into some other servers and I was able to do so...
Can't log in at 3:00 PST. Connection failed, server full.
Orien for the past hour, server full..
VIP, Server Full, Orien...
I thought that being a VIP and picking a "new" server might help with this, apparently not.
I guess this is just what happens when you have a game for over 3 years before remembering to "advertise".
This must be their best dreams and worst nightmares combined.
Orien Server
00:25 GMT
Tried a couple of times at 11:30ish and twice again just now.
I'd really like to play the game that I pay $15 a month for.. no refunds, huh? How convenient. Don't make me label you guys as scam artists and boycott every product you ever release.. fix this foolishness now!
Who is the lead designer of this game? Why was a queue system not implemented? Did you really not have the confidence that the game servers might become populated? Get a clue guys.. IMPLEMENT A QUEUE SYSTEM OR I WON'T PAY ANOTHER DOLLAR FOR THIS UNDERDEVELOPED GAME!!!
Orien Server, January 30th, 2010 at 10:06 PM EST.