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Thread: Random Freezes

  1. #1
    Community Member CymTyr's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Random Freezes

    I get random freezes ever since DDOU has been launched with Headstart on the 1st.

    It started with freezing when I would buy food after dying and being ported back to the tavern. I learned to let the game finish doing whatever it was doing (stuttering as it loads whatever it is that it loads) and now it just stutters for about 10-20 seconds and no longer freezes AS LONG AS I WAIT to buy food.

    This has progressed to freezes mostly in instances. Today I was running an instance and the client froze up, not responding at all. I immediately force-closed the client and re entered the game. I killed the monsters nearby me, turned around, and in less than a minute the client froze again.

    This has been happening fairly regularly in instances since the patch was released, both with my old 8800 GT and with my new 4870 1 gig.

    Today the client froze after loading up Korthos Island. I wasn't even doing anything, had been afk for a few minutes to help a family member with something and hadn't even moved.

    My drivers for my video card are up to date, I just installed the 9/9 Catalyst drivers yesterday. I do not think I have EAX enabled at this point, but I can't remember.

    I am running Vista x64 Home Premium and using DX10 mode with very high textures. This should not be a challenge for my rig, will submit DXDiag if problems persist.

    Please tell me if there's something I need to update, or if the game just doesn't like ATi cards.

    EDIT: Noticed there's a driver update for my SB Audigy card. Going to install it and see what happens.
    EDIT 2: I installed the new Audigy driver and so far I haven't frozen up. Try this guys.
    EDIT 3: went afk for a shower and the client froze. New Audigy driver did not sort this.
    EDIT 4: Fixed the random freezing by switching the graphics back to DX9...
    Last edited by CymTyr; 09-12-2009 at 06:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Varrukk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Been having random freezes too since patch. Running 4890 running catalyst 9.8 Freeze is random and has happened in a instance as well as market place. Running everything on very high setting and have turned bloom off. Had the card prepatch and all was fine , thought it may have been a heat issue but its running around 70c at full tilt and thats no problem for he card.

    No real similarity between freezes but always seems to be when i'm running around and/or jumping.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I opened up a support ticket for this as well. It seems to be a common problem that, if you check out the forums or Google it, many people are having--with no resolution yet.

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