Mate. I have read all the replies. Your ego seems to get in the way of reality. ANYONE can observe that all your comments are all very 'carefully' written to look like you're being objective and diplomatic, however it's plain to see that all you're doing is trolling to create the environment and the responses that you desire. Which of course is fairly obvious = one that (in your mind) makes you look good AND when (because they will) people get angry due to your answers, you, (which we all can do), claim that we have become unprofessional in our arguement / delivery and therefore our point/s are moot. Angelus... mate there are other ways to receive attention... you don't have to troll on everyone else's posts all day just so that you can show everyone how much of a DDO expert you are. MOST of the replies to YOUR posts were very diplomatic and patient and clever. After awhile it is clear to see that people caught on to your little game and put you in your place.
If you talked face-to-face, in the same manner that you have talked to most of the people here, then you wouldn't get very far. We only put up with it because forums are all very non-personal and don't require any social norms or real interaction. Please learn how to have a respectful conversation. Just because this is an online forum, does not give you the right to be rude. Not only have you been rude, you've outright insulted peolple when they have tried to honestly defend their opinion. That's not cool. Maybe, in future, pretend that you're having a face-to-face conversation with people before pressing submit reply. Maybe then you'll be more respectful.
By the way, i love pnp and DDO. Both are very different but amazing at the same time. Is DDO PVP viable? Who knows. Would it be enjoyable for those that CHOSE to submit themselves to the joys/agonies of PVP? Of course. Just like all pvp, the thrill is in the ability to customize, experiment, customize, experiment. People aren't saying that they want an easy win. What they want is the arena/opportunity to play DDO pvp in a supported pvp environment... if you don't like the experience...then simply don't que. It's that simple. Saying, "if they spend too much time on pvp and not on contect development - ddo will implode on itself and die" is just unneccessary. Of course people can wait. We do it all the time. Some of us may delete, re-install, delete, re-install. However, when the new expansion/content/updates come out, what do we do? We all log in...because we're curious.
Turbine, you are not going to lose players because you focus on developing a supported pvp aspect to DDO. You will in fact gain MORE players. It is the way of games. Kids want competition. So do adults. We want the opportunity to show off. If you want a game that is similar to the Neverwinter Nights online mods etc, then keep DDO how it is...however it will always be a small time niche game that will never give the hoped for returns because it never really hits the nail on the head. Face it, if you wanted awesome PVE then you'd just play Bethesda games. But putting a role-playing game online where people play/join with other people is in fact a Player with/vs Player environment AND not providing supported pvp is like shooting yourself in the foot. It's like creating a social media interface like FB but then telling people that it doesn't support email.
On a side note. Remeber the Contest of Champions mod from Neverwinter Nights where you could edit things so that you could pit different characters/builds against monsters of differing/increasing levels of Challenge Rating. Imagine if there was an offical DDO leaderboard published of the player and the creature that he/she had successfully slain? We would all be customizing/experimenting to be that number one player who managed to kill the top monster or npc...pit fiend/dragon/eye tyrant/Zass Tam... There could also be team vs monster/npc challenges and leaderboards. My point? Let's not limit DDO to just PVE or PVP play. Why? Because it's a bad marketing strategy. People obviously want both. Just google DDO and PVP in the same sentence... I dare you Turbine...
PS Angelus Dead if you feel that I've misjudged you, then I will be happy to settle it PVP style
Is it just me or do PvP threads get necroed more often then others?
Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
Thank you 1st time posting troll for necroing a PvP thread and killing it.
No really, Thank You.